Monday, April 2, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: New Life

Muffin Tin Monday at

Today I get to post two muffin tin posts. I first posted about the muffin tin daddy created last week while I was still in the hospital with baby Harold.  Of course the girls wanted a muffin tin today. I wouldn't consider neglecting this responsibility. So today's muffin tin is all about new life in celebration of Resurrection Sunday this coming weekend. 

Cheese and Watermelon Flowers with Sprout grass
Hard Boiled Egg
Dessert Shell Nest with Grape Eggs
Watermelon Tulips
Peanut butter sandwich rock 
carrot caterpillar
Butterfly cake

I cut cheese and watermelon into flowers and attached them to toothpicks. Then I stuck them in marshmallows to support them and added sprouts as grass to help hold them upright.

I put Cool Whip in a dessert shell and added green tinted coconut. Then I added 3 grapes for eggs.

The peanut butter sandwich rock gets rolled away to show the empty tomb.


  1. this is so cute! what a fun idea for spring/easter :) thanks for sharing this

  2. Oh that is soo grandson would love! Thanks for sharing!

  3. I love it! The flowers in grass worked out so well and is really pretty. What I like most though is that it represents the real reason for the season!

  4. This is awesome! I love all the aspects of Easter that you have tied into this tin.

  5. What a cool muffin tin meal. Thank you for sharing. Love the flower cut outs.

  6. Wow, that's awesome! you do such a great job!


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