Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tiny Talk Tuesday: April 10, 2012

I actually got some cute things written down again this week. I love being able to have a place to record these so I can read them in the future. And I love being able to link up to Tiny Talk Tuesday. 

The other day while we were in the kitchen cooking. I couldn't remember what we were making, but daddy reminded me it was the banana pancakes from last week's Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen. We had mixed the dry ingredients together and then combined the rest of the ingredients. Then came the time to add the flour mixture. Tabitha said, "And then we're going to have to stir it in with the flour so hard and work together."

Today I gave the children chocolate milk with lunch. I then offered daddy some. As I was stirring it, Tabitha piped up with, "You're making some of my famous chocolate mud soup."

While grandma was still here last week the following conversation occurred between myself and Hannah. I am just not sure what exactly it is referring to. 
Mom: What do you tell grandma?
Hannah: Pleeee
Mom: Can you say thank you?
(No response)
Mom: Can you say thank you?
Mom: Can you say you?
Hannah: Me

1 comment:

  1. love "mud soup"!! Sounds delicious;)

    Thanks for linking up;)


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