Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quarterly Top 5 (January through March 2012)


It is that time of year again. Time to do the impossible. I have to go through my pictures and pick the top 5 from the last three months. This was especially hard this time because I have so many favorite photos of baby Harold, plus I really like to get one individual shot of each of the girls so they don't feel I was playing favorites (maybe not today, but when they look back at it in later years).  I started out with 11 and worked down to 9. Then the struggle began. This is what I ended up with.

I love the expression on Hannah's face. Just a sense of wonder and joy. This is just a fun shot. It is especially special because there were only 2 or 3 days when the girls got to go out in any amount of snow. 

Hannah just loves these Sesame Street Alphabet books and I just love her toes.

Here the girls are taking turns "listening" to baby Harold with daddy's stethoscope. I just love the look of concentration on their faces.

Something about this shot of Grandma and Grandpa is one of my favorites from in the hospital. The look of contentment and happiness is just so special for me.

I could NOT leave this photo out. The look of adoration on Amelia's face when she was the first one to hold her baby brother just melts my heart (even though the shot itself isn't the best).

The family gathered around the baby is such a sweet picture. Somehow, all the girls are looking at the camera. Daddy and I love the expression on Hannah's face. 

I realize I have gone over the 5, but I have to share one of Tabitha holding the baby. This shot is just so tender.


  1. The girls listening to your belly is so sweet - love that.

  2. What a wonderful first quarter to remember. These are so precious.

  3. Oh my! Love that last one. They are all so sweet!!

  4. So sweet. What wonderful memories you captured!


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