Friday, April 13, 2012

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen: Birthday Cake for Hannah

This week the older two girls and I had our time in the kitchen while Hannah was sleeping. We wanted to surprise her with her birthday cake. Nothing too fancy this time. Just a boxed cake doctored up a bit daddy style. A couple of weeks ago daddy tried adding marshmallows and chocolate chips to a chocolate cake. We really liked it, so I wanted to see how it would taste with a yellow cake. I also wanted to see if ALL the chocolate chips settle at the bottom or would we get something that resembled chocolate chip loaf.
Nothing fancy here. Just follow the instructions on the box of cake mix, with the addition of some marshmallows and chocolate chips.

Yes, Tabitha read the instructions for us.

Adding the cake mix.

Adding the water.

Adding the oil



Adding half a bag of chocolate chips

Several handfuls of marshmallows. 

Pouring it into the prepared cake pan.

Just as an FYI, it took 10 extra minutes to cook because of the marshmallows.

Frosting with Cool Whip

Peeking little angel

I made a special dinner-lasagna

I wrote the words with chocolate syrup

Got to have a lick!

And just to show you, the chocolate chips did ALL settle to the bottom. 
Any clue how I would get it to stay mixed throughout????

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?
I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky, it just doesn't always get posted on the same day.

I am linking up to:

Chestnut Grove Academy

Blog Post Hop

Growing Up Gardner

Happy Go Lucky

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


  1. Yum, love the addition of the marshmellows and chocolate, sounds delicious :-) And your little one's smile is so precious. I hope she had a lovely birthday :-)

    And thanks for sharing on Happy lil hearts are baking!

  2. I loved cooking with the kids when they were younger. It's a great way to encourage them to cook in the future.

  3. How sweet! Looks like she was happy!

  4. Thanks for linking with Kids in the Kitchen! you know I love seeing the kiddos help in the kitchen!

  5. Looks yummy! ALways just great kitchen projects! Thanks for sharing at BTT!!

  6. This is so sweet! The cake looks yummy, too.


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