Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Wordless Wednesday#2: April 11, 2012 (w/linky): Keep Out

I realize I already posted a Wordless Wednesday. But this was too cute to pass up sharing.
Was told to come upstairs and found this note on the door.

Not sure where she got that brilliant idea from. But they were calling their room their camp. We informed them that mommy and daddy can come in at any time. Sorry.

Tots and Me


  1. hahaha!!! I love it! That would crack me up if my kids did that. Although, like you said, moms and dads can enter at any time, so they might as well get used to it hehe :)

  2. Too funny & cute! maybe suggest they make a tent out of an old sheet or blanket for their camp. then they get some privacy ;o)

  3. I love it!! You should link this up on my Saturday laughs! I linked my post up:)

  4. That is so funny! My kids think they can keep me out, too, sometimes...

  5. haha that is too cute . My kids use to post signs all of the time but they were NO BOYS or NO GIRLS or something like that.

  6. Oh my goodness... so cute and funny!

  7. We keep trying to tell the boys the same thing. They seem to think their room their rules, um, no!

  8. Children just have the brightest ideas. :-) Stand your ground, I say. :-D

    My own would like to turn our house into a train museum with admission fees to boot. :-)

    Thank you for the link up. Have a blessed Wednesday.

  9. I love it! Thank you for hosting once again. Have a wonderful night.

  10. Ah ha ha I totally love it! Thank you for linking up with me!


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