Sunday, April 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday and Leap Into Spring Challenge: April 15,2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Simple, Grain, Transportation, Stitch and Bubble(s)


Hannah always wants to color/doodle in her sisters' workbooks, so I have been on the lookout for some simple workbooks for her. I found this one today at the thrift shop. I'm sure she will spend time coloring in it, both in her chair at the table and laying/sitting on the floor.

I had to share this one as well. A simple bandaid is a quick fix to big booboos. 

Earlier this school year we tinted this grain all the colors of the rainbow and placed it in a tub. The girls enjoy using their construction vehicles in this tub.

I told hubby perhaps he should abandon the car and use his feet as a mode of transportation due to the outrageous price of gas. 

Unfortunately, he needs to use the car to get to work as it is 15-20 minutes away by car.

When I saw the cute little giraffe formed with the stitches on baby Harold's night clothes I had to share a picture of it.

When I was pouring the girls' milk at lunchtime I was pouring so fast I got this huge bubble. Unfortunately, by the time I returned with the camera and fixed my lighting, the big bubble had popped. However, I think the different size bubbles shining in the light made a decent enough picture.

Once again I am also joining in with the 
Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge

This week's theme was Easter


  1. Woof!
    My human walks a lot
    so she saves gas.
    And I love milk and bubbles.

  2. Your stitch picture is ADORABLE!

  3. amazing the difference a band aid can make! :)

  4. Nice choice of shots for this week's scavenger hunt. With the rate the gas prices are going up - we'll all be considering other modes of transportation.

  5. You captured some great shots for this week's prompts.

  6. Great set again this week. Your bubbles shot is great even with some big ones gone. Love the light accent. Thanks

  7. Great shots for each prompt, especially Easter.

    Thanks for taking part in the Leap into Spring Photo Challenge!


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