About Me

I am currently homeschooling my 4 young children, teaching like I always dreamed.  We are very relaxed right now, though we have been following a curriculum as we now have to be "official" in our state. More on that later.

I have been married to Harold since 2006, having met him at a Koinonia event through his mother who is my friend.  Between us we have 11 children, though only 4 live with us.

There are my 4 stepchildren, who will remain nameless on this blog as they are all grown up and live out on their own.  They are 24 years old, 22 years old, 22 years old (yes hubby had twins) and 21 years old.

My three older children are also out on their own, but they may get mentioned occasionally:
Steven is 23 and is out on his own, getting married really soon.
Floyd: is 22 and also out on his own.
Krystal: is 19 and also out on her own, sort of.

And the four younger children who are featured almost daily are:

Tabitha: 8 years old and in 3rd grade using My Father's World.

Amelia: 7 years old and in 2nd grade using My Father's World.

Hannah: 5 years old and in Kindergarten using My Father's World.

Harold: 3 years old and tagging along in Kindergarten and doing preschool.

I started this blog to share the crafts and other activities I do with the girls.  I have since expanded my blog to include books we read, recipes and working in the kitchen with the girls, science observations, photo challenges,  blog hops, giveaway opportunity information and linkys, and free information that I feel will be of interest to other homeschooling moms/moms of young children.  I enjoy linking up to various blog memes and carnivals, sharing with others and gathering great ideas to use with the girls.

I have been reviewing products for a while, and am starting in on my 4th year on the Schoolhouse Review Crew.

I consider us Eclectic Review Homeschoolers. Our Core Curriculum is My Father's World, but we supplement with the awesome products we get to review from the Schoolhouse Review Crew. It is such a blessing to be able to find new products that help our homeschool.

Our Family in 2007
Tabitha is the baby!

This is me, looking all so spiffy for my weight loss picture last week.

Daddy and Hannah
Dec 2010

Tabitha and Amelia
Dec 2010

Yes, the pictures are old. I will be updating them shortly.

You can find me over on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest

If you would like to contact me, you can do so at kewkew34@yahoo.com. 

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