Monday, January 9, 2012

Memories, Dreams and Reflections 2011

Can we really be at the end of another year? Wow!
Anyway, just as she did last year, Ashley from Ramblings and Photos, is asking us to go through our pictures from this past year and reflect, using the prompts below. It took me a couple of weeks to get all these pictures together, but they reflect these prompts for me this year.

Me! - picture of yourself (you don't have to show your face). What are you most proud of accomplishing in 2011?
I was so happy with all the weight I had lost. Of course, now I am pregnant and have gained most of it back, but at least some of it is baby this time.

I Love You - picture of your husband, boyfriend, children, pets, etc.
This was a picture I took of daddy with the girls on Father's Day.  They had made the card for him earlier in the day.

Still Laughing... - a moment you're still laughing about now...tell us a story.
We were getting ready to go somewhere and the girls decided to make sandwiches to take, plus pack other food to go with them.

In these two photos I found Hannah in the kitchen just like this. She was obviously very hungry and helped herself to some bread.

Winter Wonderland - a picture that reflects Winter.

As we haven't had this much snow yet this winter these are obviously from last year. The girls and I made a snowman and on a separate occasion they were learning how to make snow angels.

Birthday - share a birthday picture (your own or someone you love).
With the three girls there is no way I could share just one photo, so you get to see a picture (or two in Tabitha's case) from each of their birthday celebrations. 
I love this picture. Steven made the cake and we took it to play group so her friends could help celebrate.

But I couldn't pass up sharing this picture. Not sure what the pout was about.

Hannah's first birthday. Yes, she got into the frosting prematurely.  Steven and Krystal made this cake.

Amelia's 4th birthday. Yes, Steven made this cake too. If I am not mistaken it was with the help of Krystal. The girls really like Veggie Tales. 

Friends - a picture with friends (this could be your friends or your children with their friends).
Lots of fun and action at play group in the new Bounce Land.

I Was Inspired... - could be a picture of your inspiration (person or thing), or inspired by...
Something about when the sun beams shine through the clouds really inspires me. 

Spring Fever - a picture that reflects Spring.
A simple shot of our lilies daring to pop out of the ground.

Travel or Vacation - a picture taken on vacation or on a recent travel experience...even if it was only a few miles away.
Had to share two.
I love this picture of Hannah resting on Grandma's leg when we went to visit last year.

But I couldn't pass up the opportunity to share this shot of our first grandbaby. 
We had to travel to get to see the grandparents above and the grandbaby (along with hubby's daughter and son-in-law).

Summer Days - a picture that reflects Summer.

Summer days over at the park.

A Day In My Life - a picture of a typical day in your life.
The girls love to help, especially Hannah.

Another typical sight is the girls waving to daddy as he heads off to work.

All Smiles - a picture that makes you smile or of smiling faces.
My happy 4 yr old daughter.

Autumn Harvest - a picture that reflects Autumn/Fall.

Family or Home - a picture of your family or a picture that represents family/home for you.
Grandma and Grandpa had visited for Tabitha's birthday party.

Celebrate! - a picture that reflects a celebration.

Celebrating Candice's wedding.

Let's Do It Again... - a picture of something you'd like to do again soon.
The girls enjoyed celebrating Elmo's birthday party. And though they celebrated again recently, I think we will celebrate again on his birthday next month.

I Miss You - a picture of someone or something you really miss.
I don't get to see my older children very often anymore. Steven has moved out on his own and Krystal now lives with her dad. Floyd is also on his own, but he refuses to have his picture taken, so I don't have any decent shots of him. 

Beautiful - a picture of someone or something you find beautiful.
I loved this reflection of this sunset. Thought the sunset was beautiful and I really enjoyed trying to get a good shot of the reflection.

Dress Up - this might be a picture from Halloween or not...but someone who is all dressed up!

Getting their faces painted for the Bills game.

Pirate Amelia and Pirate Tabitha at the Library's Pirate Party.

Macro - share your favorite macro or close-up image.

Holidays - a picture from the Holiday of your choice.

So happy to get their Dora slippers.

My Favorite - share your favorite picture or memory from 2011.
I still am not sure why, but I love this picture. 

Don't Ever Change - something you love about yourself, someone, or something that you never want to change.
I hope and pray they will continue to love each other and remain close as they grow.

Just Because...So There! - share any picture(s) that you really want to share, but doesn't fit in any other category.

Hopes and Dreams - share what you hope to come or dream for 2012. Feel free to share an image of your choice.
Looking forward with great anticipation to the arrival of our little boy.


  1. Aww, looks like your year was filled with joy. Congrats on your little boy on the way!!

  2. Beautiful family! You are truly blessed! 2012 is going to be a GREAT year!

  3. Great job and beautiful children and handsome hubby. I stopped by from the Alexa Hop on Mommies Point of View. I wish you a nice week.

  4. It looks like you had quite a year and I think I missed that you were pregnant until now. Congratulations!

  5. Wonderful family shots and congrats on the new baby boy on the way! What a year it will be in 2012!


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