Monday, January 30, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Happy 5th Birthday Tabitha!!

Muffin Tin Monday at

Yesterday my girl turned five years old. I will be sharing pictures from her birthday on my Wordless Wednesday post, so make sure you stop by Tuesday evening or Wednesday to check them out. Today I decided to focus on the number five.

5 pieces of hotdog
5 baby carrots
Ranch Dressing for dip
5 orange sections
5 pieces of cheese
5 graham crackers
The number 5 written on a slice of bread with ketchup.

They all started with their oranges. 


  1. She can't be 5 already! Can she?

  2. I love this idea!!! How cute!! What a great way to teach numbers and healthy foods:)

  3. Please don't let the baby eat hotdogs. She is way to young. I know this violates a "let me parent my kid how I want" rule but I watched a family grieve over a three year old who died from a hotdog. Your daughters are beautiful, it's not worth the chance. :)

  4. I love the Muffin Tin Monday idea! I love how creative you get with lunch! May have to use the #5 for my son's b-day in March!


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