Monday, January 2, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Snowman

Muffin Tin Monday at

In celebration of winter that has finally decided to make an appearance, I decided to give the girls a snowman muffin tin today.

The snowman is made from two different sandwiches:
A peanut butter and fluff head with M&M eyes, carrot sliver nose, mini chocolate chip mouth
A turkey sandwich with M&M buttons
Extra carrot noses
Ranch dressing snow on the ground
Mini marshmallow snow on the ground
Cheese cube snow falling from the sky
Cottage cheese and pear slice clouds.

You can probably guess what Hannah ate first. 

Tabitha decided the nose needed to stand straight up.

And I made hot vanilla instead of hot chocolate.

Don't forget to stop by Muffin Tin Mom to see more great tins. 


  1. Cute lunch idea. Love it.

    Veronica @

  2. I love your snowman! How do you make hot vanilla?

  3. Lovely snowman! Perfect for January.

    The roasted potatoes were homemade, but the fish wasn't, so I can't share the recipe. Sorry! I bet there are plenty of great online recipes you could find though.

  4. How cute!! I should start doing this type of thing, maybe it would convince my picky eater to eat more. =)

  5. Yummy!! Love that idea with the snowmen!

  6. I love your Muffin Tin ideas! Thanks for linking up at NOBH!

  7. Cute! Gonna have to save this one to use when we do our snow/winter theme soon. My two have been really into Frosty lately, so I know it will be a hit.

  8. I love this idea. So much fun. My children loved the muffin tin idea when they were little. I miss that creative outlet! Thanks for linking up with NOBH! Smiles -


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