Monday, January 23, 2012

Giveaway Opportunities: New Baby/Mommy Event-Hot Mama Gown

I have been keeping my eyes open for some great baby and new mommy giveaways, especially as the birth of our little guy gets closer and closer. I can't believe he will be here next month!! I just found this great event being shared by two great Mom blogs, So Easy Being Green and The Not-So-Secret-Confessions of a Second Time Mom.  It is the New Year, New Baby, New Mommies of 2 event and there are so many great baby/mommy products, you have just got to go and check it out. One of the Grand Prize Sponsors is Hot Mama Gowns. Now, this caught my eye, because I have had 6 babies and I know what it is like to be in those yucky hospital gowns. If you would like a chance to win a Hot Mama Gown, which would be a great alternative, head on over to this great event:

Ends 1/26

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    This is wonderful, how I wish I am pregnant with my soon to be hubby. Added you in my list from Alexa Blog Hop.

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    Thank you



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