Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rafflecopter Launch Party Giveaway: Win an iPad & a Kindle Fire

You've heard of Rafflecopter? Right? I only just started using Rafflecopter for my giveaways, but have been entering them for a while. It truly is easier to enter.
Well here is something special they are doing. A great giveaway to celebrate the new year.  They're going to give away a 16GB Apple iPad2 and several Kindle Fires. The giveaway starts Monday 1/9 at 12:01 a.m. and lasts for a month. To enter, simply tell them who referred you to this giveaway (Just enter my name-Karen Waide, Tots and Me) in the spot on the Rafflecopter form below)! You can receive additional entries by tweeting about this giveaway, following them on twitter, and giving them feedback.

Want some more fun. You get to suggest a name for their little mascot here for an extra entry.

Love this little "smiley-face dude."

After the giveaway is over,they’ll go through the list of names and pick out their favorite suggestions. It will then be voted for on Facebook. If your name is chosen, you’ll win a Kindle Fire and be immortalized in Rafflecopter history :)

What are you waiting for? Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

1 comment:

  1. What a fun blog. I like the message you have on here. I will have to come back soon to look through everything and Thanks for the Hops you have on here. I did stop by from the Alexa Hop but I like the ones on here.


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