Sunday, January 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: January 15, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday Items: Stacked Up, Winter Wonderland, Sweet, Hole and Frozen

Stacked Up
We eat a lot of eggs in our house. Hubby always has a 3-egg egg sandwich for breakfast. Ever since I became pregnant I have been having eggs every morning so I can get the protein and the iron. Now the children are requesting egg sandwiches occasionally. I like to keep the cartons for crafts.

Winter Wonderland

I thought the look on Hannah's face was a look of wonder at our lovely Winter Wonderland that finally seems to have arrived. Hubby says she is thinking, "I wonder why it took so long."


This is the brownie pizza we made for dessert one day this week. It definitely was sweet.

I love the old fashioned doors, doorknobs and keyholes in this house. 


Here's some frozen icicles hanging from our roof. I really liked the angle of this shot.

And I was so busy with my Memories, Dreams and Reflections last week that I didn't have a chance to do my Scavenger Hunt, so here are the pictures I took for last week's prompts:

Here is the list of items: One color, Laundry, Empty, One Dozen, Soft

One Color



 One Dozen



  1. Very sweet winter wonderland! We don't have snow yet...well, we had a few flakes today.

  2. That pizza looks amazing!! And she looks so adorable all bundled up! I am longing for a winter wonderland like that in Boston!

  3. Awesome I really love hole I need that door knob for my collection.Have a great week!

  4. Visiting from the Friendship Friday blog hop -- just a few days late it seems :-)

    I save egg cartons too for crafts although we don't eat eggs as much -- except when I make my favorite quiche, that uses a lot of eggs!

  5. Oh wow! That dessert looks extremely delicious!!! Also love the key hole! What a neat idea and so well done!

  6. Don't throw those egg cartons away! Just to let you know, teachers look for egg cartons often, so you may want to consider asking a local school if they would like them. Just a thought! I know because I scrambled to get egg cartons for a lesson plan this week, and I was super appreciative when I gathered enough of them.

  7. Love your keyhole shot. I am a big fan of all things old. Thanks for stopping by.

  8. Look at all that snow - I just want a taste of that.

  9. That sweet shot looks mighty tasty!!

  10. Snow angels! I am sorry I missed your pregnancy announcement! Congratulations!!!

  11. Wish we had some of that snow! Nice job!

  12. That brownie pizza looks delicious! I like to use the egg cartons to hold paint and little embellishments when I'm scrapbooking, they are so convenient!


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