Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is it Winter? Or is it Not?

After sharing those lovely photos for Wordless Wednesday where we finally got to go out and play in the snow, I had to share these pictures I just took. So many people commented that they were jealous of the snow. Well, here is what our yard looks like today:

I have to ask, Is it really winter?
Then I realize it still is. As nice as it looked, the girls still needed to be all bundled up.

This is why:

They had fun though.


  1. It has been the most bizarre winter. We've been playing outside too. Last night we got this horrid blizzard with icy roads that caused our power to be out for 7 hours and by this morning it had all melted and was raining and 41 degrees. I mean, what was that all about? I'm so glad not be shoveling snow though.

  2. Thanks for stopping by to check on me! <3 I replied to you on my blog.


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