Monday, January 23, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Make Your Own Sandwich

Muffin Tin Monday at

Another week of not quite knowing what to do (sometimes I sure do miss those themes). Another week of having hubby give me a great idea. The girls like to make their own sandwiches, so we did, Make Your Own Sandwich muffin tin. 

Peanut butter
Carrot sticks
Ranch Dressing
Fruit-Cantaloupe and Strawberries

The only difference in Tabitha's is that she doesn't like Monterey Jack cheese, so she got shredded cheddar.

Hannah did NOT get to make her own sandwich.  She had already started digging in while I was trying to get the pictures.

Making their sandwiches:

I came back in the room and Tabitha had cut her's quite neatly.

And I was surprised to see that Amelia added the fruit and cheese to her sandwich. The fruit sounds good, the cheese, not so much.


  1. I love it! Kids are more apt to eat when they are involved in the preparation!

  2. This is tooo cute! Such a great idea, kids love to feel like they can do it themselves and this puts everything at their fingertips, I love it!

    Visiting you from the FB group :-)

  3. Very cute idea! Glad I found you on the Monday Morning Blog Hop! You can find me at

  4. Now I want to try fruit on my sandwich!

  5. How fun! I just did a make your own taco muffin tin the other night, and it was a big hit!

  6. Cute! My kids love the independence of making their own sandwiches. Such fun! Great tin. :)


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