Friday, April 20, 2012

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen: Rainbow Fruit Pizza

Ever since we made our Fruit Dessert Pizza a month and a half ago I have wanted to make it again. Today offered that opportunity. I thought it would be fun to make a rainbow fruit pizza to go with our Rainbow unit.

Amelia is wanting to help read the recipe. Unfortunately her reading skills aren't quite there yet. I really want her to help read, so I made her cards with just the ingredients listed on them, one per card. As Tabitha read the ingredient off the recipe for me to gather, Amelia attempted to read the word on her card. Tabitha of course, having the recipe, was reading an amount along with the ingredient. One way I know Amelia is not ready for reading quite yet (despite her sudden glimmer of understanding with the magnetic letters) is that she would try to say exactly what Tabitha was saying and was pointing to the word on the card, which obviously did not have numbers on it.

On to the recipe. If you would like to see the actual recipe please head over to the previous post about Fruit Pizza.
We started by putting the softened butter into the bowl. This time we didn't need to microwave it because I had remembered to set it out.

Adding some sugar.

Creaming the sugar.

Then we set that aside, mixed the dry ingredients and poured them into the blue bowl.

Mommy stirred that together because it gets a bit stiff for them. Then they helped spread it on the cookie sheet. (It is one big sugar cookie after all)

We then baked it on 350 for 10 minutes. 
It was set aside to cool while I got dinner ready (we had rainbow pancakes, more on that in a later post).
Then I mixed together the cream cheese frosting, separated it into small cups (otherwise known as measuring cups) and tinted them the colors of the rainbow.

Mommy frosted the cake to resemble a rainbow.

After supper the girls helped to finish it off. I decided this would make a neat color matching activity. We tried to get Hannah to put the red fruit with the red part of the rainbow. She is not quite ready yet.

Red strawberries
Orange cantaloupe
Yellow Banana
Green Grapes
Purple Grapes

Then I had them leave the room while I finished up to surprise them.

I added white Cool Whip for clouds, then tinted some Cool Whip blue for the sky. Finally, I added some pineapple tidbits for a sun.

Isn't is a cute slice of a rainbow.

Unfortunately I forgot when I started this that the girls did not like the cream cheese frosting last time. They didn't like it any better this time. Which is what I was afraid of and why I added Cool Whip to part of it.

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?
I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky.

I am linking up to:

Chestnut Grove Academy  Blog Post Hop

Happy Go Lucky  

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


  1. This looks like a lot of fun :O) and healthy to.

  2. That looks so good and I can tell they had fun!

  3. This is so cute! What a fun activity.

  4. Who doesn't love rainbows and an edible cookie fruit rainbow is awesome :-) So clever!

    Thanks for sharing on Happy lil ❤'s are baking!

  5. you always have such yummy posts! Love this rainbow pizza!! Thanks for sharing at BTT!


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