Sunday, April 29, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: April 29, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Yellow, Something that Makes/Made You Smile, Ancient or Antique, Splash and In the Sun


I didn't realize how vivid the yellow of the dandelion was going to be. I had used my flash, which I hadn't wanted to do, so I took another picture without the flash and realized I liked this picture more. Amelia was showing off the weird dandelion she found. In case you can't see it, the stem is flat and wide instead of round and thin.

I also took a picture of baby Harold's yellow blanket with the cute yellow duckie.

 Something that makes you smile
That would have to be my family. There happy, smiling faces make me smile all the more.
(and yes, I realize I have more children, but they are never around to photograph.)

Ancient or Antique

These are still stored in our basement. We haven't had a chance to get rid of all the stuff that was left down there when we moved in. These look pretty ancient to me.


I don't think Hannah splashes in the bath very much. I tried to get her to splash and she wasn't quite sure what to do. But she seemed to get the hang of it.

 In the Sun

I went to give baby Harold a bath the other day and realized the sun was at just the right spot in the sky to place the baby's face right in the light. 

Also linking up with Leap into Spring Photo Challenge again. This week's theme is rain/water.

Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge

I originally took this shot for "Splash," but I decided I preferred to have one with children if at least possible.


  1. these made me smile:-) baby taking a bath in the sun oh such a sad face!

  2. I'm not sure baby Harold liked being in the sun. HA HA

  3. I love that your family makes you smile. And your daughter's bathtime is a fun water capture. Thanks so much for joining the Leap into Spring Challenge!


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