Friday, April 6, 2012

Natural House Cleaning Products: Review and Giveaway

Natural House cleaning products are a true cleaning revolution! 

"Why is it a 'revolution?'" you ask.  Because Natural House probiotic cleaning products brings you a revolutionary, new method of cleaning the most dirty areas of your home (i.e. the garbage can, the garbage disposal and the toilet bowl). Utilizing non-toxic, probiotic cleaning agents, Natural House products are strong enough for commercial clean-up, yet safe and gentle for all of the members of your Natural House.

Here's a little more information about why their all-natural cleaning products are superior to those currently on the market!

  • Their products use an eco-friendly cleaning method of probiotics that create a beneficial, odor eating ecosystem to naturally drive out and digest odors at their source.
  • Natural House's plant-based ingredients are eco-friendly, non-toxic and biodegradable to naturally fight the toughest problems you face in your house. 
  • Their products, Sinky and Flushy even break down and digest fats, oil, grease, and solid waste to ensure your disposal, pipes, drain lines or septic tank run smoothly.
  • Their cleaners contain good probiotics which continue to scour, clean, consume odors, grime, grease, and germs, and they continue to do so until your next weekly treatment! 
  • They earned the coveted Retailers’ Choice Award” at the 2011 National Hardware Show!
So how exactly does probiotic household cleaners work?
  • The surfaces in your house are like a garden. If you don’t seed with good plants, weeds will grow. You have the same choice with your household surfaces: sanitize for a moment with harsh chemicals leaving your surface open to recontamination or seed with probiotics to continuously weed out the bad micro-organisms.
  • Traditional cleaners “clean” a surface for a moment in time; the second the rag is finished wiping the surface, that surface is almost instantly polluted once again with ambient dust, dirt, and micro-organisms.
  • Natural House probiotics creates mini-ecosystem on a microbial level that produces enzymes which break down odors, dirt, fats, oil, grease, food scraps, waste and toilet paper products on a continuous basis between applications. This creates a natural, clean, balanced environment that is safe for even the most sensitive members of your natural house.
  • The action is in the foam!  When using your Natural House products be sure and let it foam first to release the cleaning agents before going to the next step on the package directions.
The short and skinny of it is this... their natural probiotic cleaners keep on cleaning long after you've stopped!

Here, watch this video for some more information:  

I was thrilled when Natural House offered to send me a 30 day supply of Flushy, Trashy and Sinky. "What are these?" you ask.
 Flushy Probiotic Cleaning packet is a powerful toilet bowl cleaner + Drain and Septic Treatment in one. Their professional strength formula cuts through stains, hard water and calcium deposits in the bowl. Their probiotics continue to consume toilet paper and waste build up in the p-trap, drain and pipes, and maintains the health of your septic system.

 Trashy Probiotic Cleaning removes odors at their source. Use trashy in your indoor or outdoor trash cans to dissolve odors, grease and food scraps.

 Sinky Probiotic Cleaning packet breaks down grease and food scraps to help prevent clogs and slow drains. Used weekly, Sinky will scour your drain and disposal driving out odors at their source.

So, what do I love about these products. The ease of use for one. For the Sinky and Flushy, you just take out one of their water soluble pouches and toss it in the bowl or the drain and wait 5-10 seconds. Give the surface a quick wipe-down and you're good to go.
I also love the citrus scent. One of the things I hate about cleaning is the harsh scent of the cleaners we have used in the past. Those strong chemicals can not be good to be breathing in and definitely not safe around the children. With Natural House Cleaning Products you do not have to worry about cracking the window open or turning on the vent.
I loved watching the products foam up and go to work.
First in my sink:

 Then in my toilet bowl.

The sink went from looking like this:

To looking like this:

The toilet bowl went from looking like this:

To looking like this:

There is still some that is not coming off, but it looks a LOT better.

And the trash can went from looking like this:

The white on the bottom is actually stuck on paper and it won't come off.

I am so going to continue to purchase these natural household cleaning products for cleaning my sink, toilet and trash can. If you would like to purchase these for yourself you can head on over to the Natural House Website or you can check them out on Amazon. And you can visit Natural House on their Facebook and Twitter pages. 

One lucky winner is going to receive their very own 30 day supply of Flushy, Trashy and Sinky. Just fill in the Rafflecopter form below. There is only one mandatory entry, easy peasy. But don't neglect to fill out the extra entries as I am sure you would like better odds at winning this great product.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  1. what a fantastic post
    like the way you post
    is it internatioanal?

    do check my latest post

  2. I would love to try Flushy because I would love to see how clean this can make our toilets!
    lizzy allen

  3. I want to try Flushy, Sinky, Surfy, Glassy--wait, that's more than 3! I'm really excited to read this post! I've seen some things on EcoMom but never really read a review on such a product. Thank you!

  4. The flushy because we have very, very hard water that leaves the toliets really gross!

  5. I want to try them all, but to pick one would be the Flushy. I have a huge problem with stain. It is a a job I hate to do, lol. Thank you for the review. I am following on linky and GFC

  6. trashy -i want to see how it works on smells

    catherine0807 at hotmail dot com

  7. Flushy! I love to have clean toilets!

  8. I would very much like to try Sinky because I learned that the kitchen sink is in the top 3 germiest places in your house!

  9. Sinky - we don't have a disposal in our kitchen sink, so sometimes food goes down there and starts to smell. Yuck.

  10. Sinky - our sink needs it badly!

  11. Flushy because natural products never get my toilet clean enough!

  12. Flushy for sure, my toilet has a mean inner ring that I would love to be GONE!

  13. The trashy cleaner we could really use this!

    chrisziegler69 (at) gmail (dot) com

  14. sinky because my sink is dirty!

  15. trashy - my outside trash cans stink :)

  16. The sink one would be nice, just because it's nice to have shiny sinks :)

  17. I can't wait to try Trashy because it is always such a chore to clean out the garbage pail. I think it is great that there is a product that is made just for the trash can.

  18. I would love to try Trashy. I always find it to be one of my least favorite chores to clean out the trash cans. I think it is great that there is a product just for the trash can.

  19. I like all three because they are natural.

  20. Sinky since we have a disposal of questionable age and condition.

  21. Definitely trashy because I hate the smell of garbage cans. Bonus that they are natural products.

  22. I would like to try flushy. and trashy.

  23. Flushy...I think it will help when my son gets messy with his potty training!

  24. Thanks for the chance to win. I'd like flushy for those stains that just dont always come clean enough


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