Monday, April 30, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: Sponsor Spotlight: Miracle Blanket

I discovered another unique and innovative way to swaddle a baby. It is called miracle blanket.

I realize it doesn't quite look like a blanket when you first glance at it does it. And yet, when you see the result, it looks like a baby wrapped in a swaddle blanket (which it is of course). 

The creator of Miracle Blanket is Mike Gatten and he came to develop this blanket out of desperation. He and his wife were looking for a solution to calm their colicky baby. This is what they discovered in their research:
  1. Swaddling is the most helpful ingredient in every effective calming method,
  2. Holding your baby on your forearm, face-down (or face-forward) while rocking or jiggling him (gently) seems to enhance the calming effect, and
  3. Using a pacifier and making a loud shushing sound in his ear further adds to the effectiveness.
He then discovered he needed to find a way to keep a baby swaddled to prevent twitching and flailing that didn't involve complex folds, arm pockets, adjustments for different size babies, buttons, Velcro or straps.

So the Miracle Blanket was born.

Here are the instructions from the Miracle Blanket website showing how easy it appears it is to use the blanket:
Step One:
Lay the blanket on a flat surface with the foot pouch at the bottom and lay baby between armflaps with tops of shoulders slightly above top of blanket.
Step One
Step Two:
Fold the armflaps over the outside of your baby's arms and tuck them snugly under her back on each side. IMPORTANT: You should lift the baby's bottom to be sure the armflaps are flat and snug under baby's back.
Step Two
Step Three:Pull the footpocket up over the feet. NOTE: Some babies' feet may not reach the foot pocket yet. This is okay: It will be there for them as they grow.
Step Three
Step Four:
Fold the right side of the blanket over your baby's belly and tuck it under the left arm pit (her right). This flap should wrap all the way under the baby's back.
Step Four
Step Five:
Wrap the left side of the blanket over the top of her belly and all the way around her until you run out of blanket. This is where it is important to pull the blanket snug. THE BLANKET MUST BE PULLED SNUG.
Step Five

If you would like to see this in action, here is the link to the Miracle Blanket site where they share a video of a baby being swaddled in it.

Head on over to there site and check it out.

Right now you can take advantage of their special- $5 off the regular price and buy any two Miracle Blankets and get an additional 15% discount on all the Miracle Blankets in your order.
What are you waiting for, head on over and check it out.

You can check them out at their website:
And on Facebook and Twitter.

Don't forget to stop back during the Baby Shower Celebration for an opportunity to enter a giveaway for your own Miracle Blanket.


The Baby Shower Celebration has been extended so please ignore the dates on the image (I just don't have time to make a new one) It was extended because of several unforeseen circumstances. So stay tuned for more great Sponsor Spotlights, Reviews and Giveaways.


  1. I wished this was around when I had my son 13yrs ago. This looks so great.

  2. Love the baby blanket. Wish I invented that.

  3. This blanket looks awesome! I love that even though it looks complicated, it actually could make swaddling easier. You don't have to worry about where to put baby's arms, and the shape of the whole thing makes it almost guide itself into place. Love it!

  4. These look s nice. When my kids were babies years ago, we had just receiving blankets. How I wish they had these. So calming for babies!

  5. I'd love to try this blanket with my next baby. It looks like it would really calm the baby down.
    jentam777 at gmail dot com

  6. I have to say I really love this blanket. My granddaughter is six months old & still is able to find comfort in being swaddled. I remember doing this with my daughter 28 years ago using a receiving blanket!!

  7. This looks super easy to use, and I love how nice and wrapped up the baby gets. I am sure it makes them feel more secure.

  8. I have never been a big fan of swaddling until a few months ago. I have birth to my 8th child and nothing we did seemed to make her happy. I just recently started trying various blankets and she is sleeping for longer periods of time and is much happier. I'd love to try one of these! Swaddling REALLY DOES work!

  9. It took me forever to figure out how to swaddle my firstborn - wish i had had one of these at the time to make it simple

  10. This is a wonderful idea.

  11. I love how it is so simple to swaddle your baby with the Miracle Blanket.

  12. Thank you for the great post I will keep this in mind for when I have a little one!

  13. As a first time mom, this is helpful info

  14. This would be great to try this with my second child due in September. We have used the Swaddle Me's in the past and liked the end result but when the velcro got stuck on everything else it was frustrating. I like that this one has no velcro or anything else to mess with.

  15. This looks perfect for my friends baby shower gift!
    mtmomo09 at gmail dot com

  16. I like this blanket it would be a great gift for my niece she's expecting her first baby soon

  17. This would make a great gift.

  18. I really wish I had something like this for my twins, swaddling them was such a pain times two.

  19. I haven't tried this specific swaddle, but my 14 month old loved to be swaddled for about the first 5-6 months of life! I used the Kiddopatamus Swaddlers and towards the end I found the Aden and Anais brand that were great but for my newly expected one, I want to try different ones, and this one looks great.

    Jill H

  20. Looks like it`d be easy to use & comfy. Would love to give it a try.

    ctymice at gmail dot com

  21. I would love to use this with my baby boy who is due in July. They didn't have these types of blankets when my daughter was born 24 years ago so it will be nice to try it now.

  22. Wow! This definitely simplifies swaddling your baby. I would have loved one of these.

  23. This looks great! The usual receiving blankets that are traditionally used for swaddling are sometimes too small or awkwardly shaped, not enough cloth where needed.

    This will definitely do the job!

  24. Thanks for this review! I have one of these and it was the only blanket my daughter couldn't wiggle out of- a true lifesaver. I hope other parents try it out after reading your review!

  25. looks better then ones they sell in stores not

  26. I like that it has separate arm flaps... mine always get their arms out!

  27. I wish i had one of these with my two daughters my oldest has what we now know is a sensory processing disorder along with other things and would have benefited from being swaddled. and my 2nd daughter was badly colicky and was difficult to swaddle using a regular blanket I am due with baby #3 in august and might have to invest in one of these. thanks for your review its awesome that they invent things to make swaddling a baby a little simpler

  28. I had a friend that used something similar with her child, it was like night and day by the time she had finished. As complicated as the idea may seem, it really is as simple as the steps above show.

    I was never fortunate enough to use anything like this with my kids. I did however attempt to wrap them in a lightweight blankets but it never worked out well. A foot would poke out here and there, and that was the end of it. You would have to rewrap all over again, after a while you just give it up.

  29. As a RN and mom (of 1 soon to be 2) I love the ease that this blanket has and think it is superior to other swaddle blankets due to the unique design! Way to go!

  30. I love this idea. I could never keep my babies swaddled, they always kicked the blankets loose. This looks like a baby would stay comfy cozy.

  31. I love the idea of this blanket. I could never keep my babies swaddled, they would always kick the blankets loose. This blanket looks like they would stay comfy and cozy.

  32. My daughter doesn't like pacifiers, but she really enjoys being swaddled. This is a great giveaway.

  33. I have some friends who swear by the miracle blanket- I would love to give it a try. I think it's a great concept and would keep my daughter asleep longer

  34. i read the amalah blog and remember her talking about these being great blankets!

  35. I have never seen anything like this. Maybe my son would not have been able to escape his swaddle if we used this blanket!

  36. the swaddler makes it so easy to keep the baby all nice is tight- just like in the womb- i used one with my 2 babies and now i need 1 again
    tcogbill at live dot com

  37. Swaddling worked wonders for my daughter as an infant, but we were not familiar with this model. I like that the arms are tucked in with this one :)

  38. I like that you can make it as tight (or not) as you want

  39. my baby girl loves being swaddled!

  40. this blanket looks awesome! My girls hated being swaddled and the first thing that would come out would be their feet. My best friend has a newborn and this would be great for her

  41. This blanket is really nice, wish that I had this when my kids were babies.

  42. This blanket looks like it works wonders. I would love to try it out and see how it works.

  43. i have seen a lot of swaddle designs - this one is very user-friendly and mistake-proof

  44. My almost 4 year old was a collicky baby. I spent more time messing around with blankets trying to swaddle her. The swaddling seemed to be the most soothing but I could never get it right! My daughter is expecting her first baby and I will definitly be ordering some Miracle Blankets for her! This is such a great product! No snaps to mess with and no noisy velcro that will wake a sleeping baby!

  45. i havent seen this one before but i think it looks great!

  46. My sister is due anyday now and we got her a swaddle. i cant wait to see my little niece or nephew in it!

  47. This blanket looks so pefect. I used to wrap my babies in a blanket tightly as well, but it was nothing like this. How nice this would have been.

  48. I have discovered this Miracle Blanket 8 year too late. EXCEPT...a really good friend of mine is expecting and I'm thinking this would be the perfect baby shower gift for her. I really like the "CirqueDuFleur" blanket!
    kimbuckjr at yahoo dot com

  49. This looks like it would make swaddling so much easier. I wish they had a larger colour selection though.

  50. My baby is due in early August, and I want one of these. I love the illustrations, by the way.

  51. I wish I had one for my last two babies, they cried a lot!!! I hope that I can get one of these for my next child. It looks like it would make swaddling much easier. I had escape artists who could undo my swaddles with a regular blanket. They look like they are secure and much harder for those little ones to escape from!

    sistermomy at hotmail dot com

  52. I dont know if my message went through or not so I am trying again.

    My last 2 children when they were babies cried a lot! I tried swaddling with a regular blanket, but I had little escape artists and they didnt stay in them long. This looks great and much harder to escape from, and I would love to have one for my next baby!!!

    sistermomy at hotmail dot com

    sistermomy at hotmail dot com

  53. This would be such a great baby shower gift for my friend who is about to have a little girl soon. She had something similar to this on her baby registry.

  54. This is a wonderful baby shower gift idea!

  55. I haven't seen this product before! The instructions will really help new parents.
    sallans d at yahoo dot com

  56. swaddling is so important, and very soothing to baby. I swaddled my daughter, and it made a big difference she wasn't fussy at all.

  57. Wow, this looks so easy to use! I like that there's a specific place to put the baby's arms.

  58. This looks like a great blanket! I've never had a "swaddling" blanket with any of our previous kids and am looking forward to trying them out with our 4th that is on the way!

  59. Swaddling is great for baby and parents and the way this blanket wraps and soothes really does look like a "miracle". rustysrambles(at)gmail(dot)com

  60. I got to get one of these for my newborn Grand daughter. It looks so comfy and easy to do;)

  61. Swaddling helps a baby feel more secure this blanket would make it so easy to do. Love it.

  62. These blankets are fantastic I really wish that I could have had one of these when my son was born. He loved to be swaddled and it was always such an ordeal to do it with a regular blanket!

  63. This would be perfect for my little one.

  64. I have a friend who is expecting a child in August and this would be a nice gift. :)

    contactlillea at gmail dot com

  65. Looks great and easy to use.

  66. these are amazing blankets! they give you a peace of mind and make an amazing baby shower gift!

    christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

  67. I love the idea that both the arms and legs have places to go in this blanket. We've tried swaddling each of our first two kids with very little success. We have tried a receiving blanket, a Kiddopotamus swaddle, a Halo sleep sack swaddle, and a few others friends have suggested, and they always manage to get out of them. The fact that this has specific places to put baby's extremities would really be helpful!

  68. I would love to own one :) I love swaddling blankets and the design on this one is perfect!!

  69. I didn't realize that swaddling could help with colic, something like this would have been useful when my best friend had her 1st!

  70. I love the Miracle Blanket. We've used it so much with my four month old, it has a hole in it from so much washing. :)

  71. I love the idea of this blanket. Our first baby always got his arms out of the swaddle so early in the evening. This would be great to have for baby #2!

  72. I wish that the Miracle Blanket had been around for my four children and 6 other grandchildren! I loved to swaddle them but it seems that using a regular blanket it always came apart so easily! I am so excited to use this blanket and love all of the different colors it comes in! Thank you for this opportunity to win a Miracle Blanket!

  73. The day that I came home from the hospital with my baby boy, it was my father-in-law who taught me about the huge benefits of swaddling. I wish the Miracle Blanket had been around back then. :-)

  74. This is great- we have a SwaddleMe but DD's arms are forever escaping from it no matter how tight we fasten it.

  75. My cousin would love this for her newborn!

  76. The miracle Blanket gives a regular pinning blanket some competetion. I personally Love to keep babies warm and comfortable. I like the giraffe blanket-but, these should be best seller's ruling out the pinning blanket that always comes undone! Great Grandma's don't like problem's we like to cuddle babies!
    Cheri Feaster wouldn't let me do URL?

  77. Great idea, great to test out on my baby nephew, coming in September.

  78. This blanket looks easy to use and comforting for baby

  79. Great idea! I cant wait to try this on the little boy I am expecting in June! Thanks for this!
    goldenleo816 at aol dot com

  80. This blanket makes swaddling look so easy!

  81. I think this blanket is just so amazing. I wish they had this when my 2nd son was Ron. He was colicky and all he did was cry! Ugh!

  82. Looks like it would have been a life saver with baby number 1!

  83. My cousin Dennis just had a baby after many years of trying, I would love to give him this as a gift.

  84. I lost many hours of sleep with my colicky baby. I wish this had been around when she was little.

    willitara [at] gmail [dot] com

  85. I wish these were around with my oldest who is 13 now, she had colic and she loved to be swaddled this would have made those all nighters so much easier.

  86. I can't wait to have a baby and use something like this on him/her!


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