Tuesday, April 10, 2012

School Time: Our "Holy Week" Lessons Leading Up to Resurrection Sunday

This past week we were focused on Palm Sunday and talking about the reason we celebrate Resurrection Sunday.  As we have done in the past, we colored and cut out palm fronds to wave during Bible Time.

Tabitha opted for just cutting.

I then wanted to have the girls make Resurrection Books. My idea was to have them make a page to correspond to each  item in our Resurrection Eggs.
So, they colored and cut out a donkey. 

Then they glued it inside our egg shaped page (the eggs will be cut out and attached together to form a book).

Tabitha drew the crowd of people welcoming Jesus into Jerusalem.

Our second egg represents the 30 pieces of silver given to Judas to betray Jesus. We used silver glitter glue.

Then the girls cut out a cup to represent the cup shared by Jesus and His disciples at the last supper. 

Then I traced the girls hands and they traced my tracing in marker to represent praying hands. I just didn't get any pictures of those yet.

I decided to combine the next two eggs representing the beating and mocking of Jesus.

Thanks to the baby we haven't finished the rest of the pages. We will complete them this week. Um...sometime.

We also decided to make a Resurrection Garden. I had seen the idea over at Jolanthe's blog, Homeschool Creations. We started out by heading outside for some rocks.

Fortunately I have a friend who grinds her own wheat for bread, so I was able to ask her for some. Jolanthe had recommended wheat grass because of the speed of growth.

We added some potting soil to a pie plate, because it was all I had.

Then we placed a clay pot on it's side for the tomb. The girls placed stones leading up to the pot for a path.

Oh, and they insisted on adding some plants.

We then placed the wheat berries on top of the soil.

I didn't have a spray bottle at first so I tried sprinkling water. The first day didn't go so well, but daddy found  a spray bottle at Tops and saved the day.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

I actually forgot to add 3 crosses to the hill like I saw suggested. And we forgot to add the rock in front of the tomb until Saturday. Oops. 

Day 4-Resurrection Sunday

Definitely going to do this again next year. What a great object lesson.
I will be sharing the rest of our Resurrection Sunday as my Wordless Wednesday post, so don't forget to stop by and check it out. Linky will go live Tuesday evening around 5. Can't wait to see everyone's photos this week.

Linking up to:

Tot School

Chestnut Grove Academy


  1. These are all great ideas, and it looks like your girls had fun. I see Dora wanted in on the lesson too!

  2. I love everything you did for holy week. Awesome!!!

  3. That really made a great table decoration. I am pinning this to save for next year for us. Thanks so much!

  4. Super cute activities!!!

    Just popping in from Tot School.


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