Sunday, April 1, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Spring Time

Muffin Tin Monday at

Last week, while I was still in the hospital with baby Harold, daddy made sure the girls had their muffin tin meal again. He decided to go with a Spring theme, which fits in well with the theme this week at Muffin Tin Mom.

The fish shaped sandwich is because spring brings fishing season.
Chicken nuggets to represent Spring Chicken
Empty spot because they were still missing mommy and baby Harold
Carrots because we plant carrots in the spring
And I am not sure what the last one is. 
When I find out I will come back and edit. 
Edit: Daddy thinks it is applesauce because the apple trees bloom in the spring.


  1. I hope all is better now! He did a great job on the lunch!

  2. What a cute tin! He did a great job! :)

  3. Super cute idea. my kids must have things separate on their plates and this would definitely fit the ticket for accomplishing that! Found you on the blog hop!

  4. It's great that your hubby would be willing to do this for the girls! Congratulations on the new baby!!!

  5. what a sweet dad to do that for the kids!


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