Sunday, April 8, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: April 8, 2012

Happy Resurrection Sunday! Hoping everyone has a blessed day.

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: New, Life, Fragrant, Pink and Obvious


We bought the children new baskets this year. Aren't they colorful?

Lots of life outside as the flowers start to bloom and the leaves are budding. What do my girls find? Why, dandelions of course.

My anniversary carnations are beautiful and slightly fragrant. Which is great because if they were more fragrant they would bother my allergies.

This is Amelia's little heart shaped Dora the Explorer tin box. As I was looking around for something pink I saw her carrying this. I love the bead handle.


Well, duh...I would hope peanut butter would have PEANUTS in it.

Sorry, I had to share my little pet peeve. All the silly warnings that should be obvious, but have to be added to containers because of sue-happy people. If you have allergies to peanuts I would assume you wouldn't be buying peanut butter to begin with. But, what do I know.

I am also participating in the Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge over at Live and Love... Out Loud.
This week's themes: Sunshine/Light

Leap Into Spring Photo Challenge


  1. your obvious shot made me smile... and yes, i share the same thoughts with you on that... like putting a warning on children's cough medicine that heavy machinery should not be operated or driving should be avoided after consuming the medicine. DUH!

  2. Love the new baskets! Bright and colorful, just screaming Spring! :]

  3. Great take on obvious! We have a similar little Dora container! Nice set!

  4. Since I don't get to do Easter with my kids I am going to participate in the scavenger hunt. I have never done this and it looks like tons of fun! The photo challenge looks intriguing also. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Fabulous, it's amazing that peanut butter contains peanuts! ;) Suzy x

  6. Great pictures. Obvious is also something I share. OOH!! Have a great Easter with the Kids. Thanks

  7. The many bouquets of dandelions from the kids - so sweet.

  8. yep - pretty OBVIOUS that peanut butter has peanuts! I used to buy baskets like those for my girls! adorable! cute! and definitely reminds me of EASTER!

  9. That is very obvious - although it wouldn't completely surprise me if it did not contain peanuts.

  10. Beautiful shots! The entry for "obvious" is hilarious!

    Thanks for linking up with the Leap into Spring Photo Challenge!

  11. Great obvious shot! I also really like the photo that you did for the other challenge. Love the reflection of the sun on the water.

  12. i am doing the leap into spring challenge too! i love your ... is it a lake? very pretty!!


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