Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen: Banana Pancakes

Today is Thursday, which means time for our traditional Breakfast for Dinner meal. I started this a while ago (last February to be exact), as a meme actually, but as there was no interest it sort of fell by the wayside as a blog linky. However, we have been enjoying breakfast for dinner quite faithfully on Thursday nights. I thought it would be fun to have the children help me with dinner for our Kids and a Mom in the kitchen time. Why make extra calorie desserts when I can have the children help with what we are going to have anyway. (Of course, sometimes we need the extra treat, but this week I decided we didn't.)

Sometimes we have pancakes and sausage for our Breakfast for Dinner, other times we have breakfast pizza or quiche. I am always on the lookout for something that will change things up a bit. We really enjoy our pancakes with chopped apples stirred in them. Unfortunately we were out of apples today. Daddy suggested we use bananas. I knew Steven had made himself pancakes with mashed bananas, but I like a recipe. So, I looked on the internet for a recipe. No surprise, I found a good one over at

Funny thing is, the base pancake recipe is the same as the recipe I have been using out of my cookbook for years. So now I know all I have to do is add two mashed bananas. Anyway, here is the recipe.
Banana Pancakes
1 cup flour
1 Tbs sugar
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 Tbs oil
2 ripe bananas, mashed.

While Amelia helped me mix together the dry ingredients:

 Tabitha mashed two of the bananas.

I used this opportunity to work with Amelia on doubling the recipe, needing 2 cups or Tbs instead of 1. We also worked on some "We needed 2 cups, we have already added one, how many more do we need?" I have been doing this with them for years when we make orange juice from concentrate. Tabitha got the concept pretty quickly, it is a bit more of a struggle for Amelia. I have got to remember to practice more often.  We also figured out how many 1/4 tsp it would take to fill the 1/2 tsp with salt.

Then we set the flour mixture aside.

 Then, while Amelia tried to mash the other two bananas 

 Tabitha helped mix the "wet" ingredients...
We beat the two eggs.

 And added the milk and oil.
(I used this opportunity to show Tabitha that 4 Tbs equals 1/4 cup)

We added the bananas to the wet ingredients.

 Then we added that mixture to the flour mixture.

Stir, stir, stir.

Time to cook our pancakes and sausages.

I thought the girls were old enough to learn how to check and flip the pancakes.

I did the back four because I didn't want them to burn themselves. Amelia and Tabitha both flipped one.

My proud chefs once again.
(Tabitha was actually saying they needed chef hats.)

Do you have your children help you in the kitchen?  What lessons do they learn? Do you have any kid friendly recipes to share?
I'd love to see your posts, whether you have done something this week or some time in the past. Just link up below. This is a weekly linky, it just doesn't always get posted on the same day.

I am linking up to:

Chestnut Grove Academy  Blog Post Hop


Happy Go Lucky

And here is my Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen linky


  1. Breakfast for dinner! What a fun idea! I bet your kids love that :-) Your banana pancakes sound yummy. We usually make blueberry pancakes, but there are so many other yummy ones we need to try out :-) I've linked up our Easter biscuits. Have a great weekend, Kelly

  2. Wow - I would be proud too!

    I've tried at least 15 times, and I just cannot make a pancake. They have some talent :)

  3. Oh boy these sound fabulous. Hmmm I now have a hankering for Pancakes. I just might have to try out these yummy's

  4. These look so yummy! I hope your little one is feeling better:-)

  5. What a fun time :O) my kids love to help in the kitchen.

  6. I love making pancakes with my son. It does get a bit messy but well worth it. We usually just do regular pancakes but will try banana next time. Your girls make it look so easy.

  7. That looks like a great use for getting ready to be bad bananas!

  8. These look so good. I have the recipe saved because I know the kids are going to like this one. Thanks for sharing it!

  9. Thank you for sharing with Kids in the Kitchen! looks yummy!

  10. That's funny. I love to put bananas in pancakes, but I never thought to put apples in them.

  11. That breakfast looks so yummy! I let my 4 year old sometimes help me stir things and little things he can do. I'm keeping that recipe handy. Thanks.

  12. Looks like fun!! We love breakfast for dinner days.

    Have a lovely weekend.

  13. I remember those days when, I'd have my girls and boys in the kitchen helping. So much fun and their happy faces later was the best reward of all!

    I have a post about entertaining your family on my blog

  14. Cooking with your children is so much fun!!

  15. Yum! Thanks for sharing with BTT!

  16. Replies
    1. Hi Tina, yes, I did use all purpose flour. It is what I use most of the time so I don't think to mention it.
      Thanks for stopping by.


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