Monday, April 2, 2012

Baby Shower Celebration: Wubbanub Review and Giveaway

Tots and Me

A few weeks ago I shared a little bit about the WubbaNub


We have been using this cute little giraffe WubbaNub with baby Harold off and on since he was born. I want to make sure he doesn't just come to me for soothing when he needs to suck. The children love to give him his WubbaNub when he is sitting in the carseat fussing. Hannah wants to make sure he is not crying, it is so cute. Grandma is also a big fan of the WubbaNub. She kept saying that she had never seen anything like it and it was so cute.

At this point we still have to hold the pacifier in his mouth, or continually put it back in, in order for him to keep sucking. He tends to spit it out after just a few minutes. If I need grandma to keep the baby calm while I am trying to get work done she will use the WubbaNub. She will keep sticking it back in.
It was quite cute. One day she noticed he was holding it in himself because his thumb was in the back hole of the nipple and he was trying to suck his thumb.

I do not use it at night as it has not been needed. He nurses to get to sleep and then sleeps until he is hungry again. When we first brought him home I tried sticking it in his mouth while he was in the crib, but as I mentioned, he would just spit it out so I would have to get up and put it back in anyway. I do love the ease of finding it due to it being attached to a stuffed animal. Even today, I was able to quickly grab it out of the diaper bag because I knew to look for the giraffe.
I am sure when he gets older I will get to see if he will hold onto the giraffe more to help keep it in his mouth. I love the concept, but right now he is not that big of a fan of a pacifier. 
I love that the stuffed animal is attached to the same Soothie pacifiers that they use in the hospitals. I have always liked these pacifiers because they are all one piece. There is no separate nipple piece that will detach from the plastic part. I never knew until recently that these very pacifiers are available to purchase. I always thought they were only available in the hospitals. 
While I do like our WubbaNub, there are a few areas of concern I wanted to mention. I have not yet discovered how to easily wash the WubbaNub. Yes, we love that there is a stuffed animal attached, but that makes it a little difficult to clean. I have to make sure to hold the giraffe above the water while washing the pacifier. And I haven't quite discovered how we are supposed to wash the giraffe if it gets dirty, because I wouldn't think a pacifier should go through the washing machine with laundry detergent. I assume if it gets dirty I will have to surface wash the animal. 
And while this is a cute little product I don't know that I would  go out and get one every time the pacifier gets worn out. 
I would love to see a way to detach and reattach the pacifier from the stuffed animal. One, so the stuffed animal can be washed when needed. And two, so we are not just buying a really expensive pacifier which would have to be replaced in its entirety if the pacifier is ruined.  
That said, I still think the WubbaNub is a cute little item, especially cute for a baby shower gift or just as a splurge. If you would like to purchase one for your own little blessing or to give as a baby shower gift head on over to the WubbaNub Website to search for a place to buy one. Of course, as a part of my Baby Shower Celebration you have the chance to win a WubbaNub of your very own. Just fill in the Rafflecopter form below and remember, you don't have to fill in every entry, but the more you fill out the better your chances are of winning. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I adore the little lamb


  2. love the frog and the pink pony

    ykatrina at hotmail dor com

  3. My niece would love the giraffe ;O)

  4. My favorite one is the Pink Pony

  5. My favorite one is the "Yellow Duck".

    anjathisandthat at yahoo dot com

  6. Danielle Davis/GradyApril 6, 2012 at 11:22 PM

    Baby Giraffe!
    Thank you!
    Suchaproudmama @

  7. I think the Brown Puppy is my favorite!
    Connie Gruning
    CGruning at aol(dot)com

  8. Brown Puppy


  9. I like the tabby kitten
    jjak2003 at gmail dot com

  10. I like the little lamb.
    Danielle S

  11. I like the elephant.
    kirbycolby at gmail dot com

  12. My son would absolutely love the brown puppy! Sooo cute!!!

  13. The lamb.
    Thanks for this giveaway.
    :) Jeanne B.T.

  14. I love the pink pony and the elephant! Thanks for the giveaway!


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