Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Perceptive Perspective-March 8, 2011 Sky (Exploring with a Camera)

Time for some photo fun!


I had read Kat's information over at The Kat Eye View on exploring with a camera.  Her theme has been capturing the sky, and I posted one shot already with last weeks Scavenger Hunt.  After reading her info, I wanted to try to see if I could get a different shot using some of her tips.  And as this week's Perceptive Perspective theme is "sky" I thought I would try.  I saw this sky last week on the way home from play group and tried to ground it for some contrast as suggested by Kat.  How did I do?



  1. Oh how I love photos of the sky. I am always pointing my lens that direction :)

  2. It's fun trying new things isn't it?

  3. A very pretty sky creating a magical light over the scene!


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