Thursday, March 24, 2011

Homeschool Swap

I discovered a really neat Homeschool Swap over at The Homeschool Post about a month ago and decided to sign up for it.  I was paired up with a fellow homeschooling bloggy mommy over at Mandy Lou's. I was so excited to get my package in the mail yesterday.  It's so much better than getting bills, wouldn't you agree?


She had everything wrapped individually with a gorgeous handmade card.  So springy too!

See what I got:

We can always use more school supplies.  We have been out of markers for a while in fact as the girls tend to lose lids and markers somehow.  She also send me some watercolors (those will replace Amelia's as she has yet to learn to not mix colors).  I am notorious for losing pens, and I love the 4 color BIC pens.  This one is in beautiful spring colors.  I also got a neat little flower notepad and a sticky pad of flowers.  Can you say spring crafts.  The girls have already snitched some of the flower shaped papers.  We were asked what kind of sweets we like. I of course am trying to lose weight (you can check out my Turn My Life Around blog for details) so I said I didn't want any sweets.  She sent me some Extra gum.  So perfect.  I can chew that while cooking so I don't nibble. (Feel like one of those commercial type spots on The Biggest Loser)

The girls wanted in on the picture.  I know, it looks like they have extra hands growing out of their shoulders.  Daddy was sort of in the picture too.  They still weren't feeling too well yesterday, can you tell?

And here they are today using the markers.

Amelia sure loves her "H"

A great big Thank You goes out to 
"Mandy Lou"
May God bless you!

If any one is interested there is a new swap scheduled for April 8th over at The Homeschool Post


  1. That package looks like a lot of fun. :-)

    I am visiting and following from the blog hop. It's always fun to find other homeschooling bloggers.

  2. Yay! I am so happy that you got your stuff! I hope that you and the girls will enjoy.... ~Mandy Lou


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