Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sunday Photo Fun

It is time for some Sunday fun in pictures.

These are the items for this week's Scavenger Hunt.  I have to tell you I was stumped a bit.
Diptych, Book, Fill in the Blank, Taste of Italy and Reminders

Here are my interpretations:




Fill In The Blank
"When I think about how love is in the family I just have to embrace it"
I was blanking on this, so I had my son help me.  He filled in the blanks, I took the pictures:

I didn't think my new computer had any photo editing tools.  I was wrong, hubby found it this morning.  Mommy is having a lot of fun with the effects.  Thank you hubby.  So we all know whose fault it is when I spend obscene amounts of time on the computer.

Taste of Italy

I took our leftover pizza and added some Italian seasoning and garlic. Yum!


Just one of the many reminders in our church bulletin.


  1. Cute blog! Your girls remind me of me and my sister when we were little!
    I am your newest follower from Chubby Cheeks Thinks Blog Hop.
    I would love for you to check out my blog

  2. These are all so sweet! LOVE that your son helped with the fill-in-the-blank. I really try to incorporate my oldest each week.

    Stay warm!!

  3. Nicely done - I really like your book shot.


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