Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday: March 29, 2011

After I posted last week, hubby found some of the comments that I had wanted to post.  I was so glad, especially after reading them.  I love having the ability, through this blog to record such things that I would have forgotten.  I'm speaking from experience, because I have the 3 teenagers and I have such trouble remember things they did and said.  

Daddy was playing his new Super Mario All Stars game and he was making sure not to get caught by the piranha plant (thought I would provide a picture in case you are not sure what they are):

Amelia said, "Watch out for the scissors."

One day while in the kitchen and Hannah was in the walker, Amelia was walking by her and Hannah started to put Amelia's dress in her mouth.
Amelia: Hannah, stop eating my dress. It...is...not...food. This is food (pointing at the garbage).
Mom: Actually, that's the garbage.
Amelia: Hannah, that's the gar..bage.

We were driving home from Krystal's dessert theater and the girls were finding the moon.  Tabitha said, "Dad, look, we're taking the moon home with us.

One day Amelia bumped her head in the bathroom.  She said, "I hurt my hair."

Okay, this was a while ago, but I have to record it somewhere so I can throw the paper out that it is written on.
Tabitha was playing with the cups and bowls at breakfast.  Here is what she said, "Okay, let's count.  A, B, C, D)

Tabitha said this one day, "Daddy has his people at his work. Steven has his people at his work. Don't you think daddy can share his work?

Let me explain that daddy likes, no needs, no can't live with out his coffee.  Coffee gets warmed up in the microwave throughout the day.  One day the microwave was beeping. 
Tabitha: Daddy, there's something beeping.
Daddy: Yep, it's the microwave.
Tabitha: Is that your coffee or what?

Today Tabitha and I were discussing how she needed to drink more, preferably water.  She has a Hello Kitty bottle that we keep filled with water, but she tends to forget it upstairs in her room (they take them upstairs at bedtime) She was making it out as if it was my fault that she doesn't drink enough.  I asked her if she wanted me to shove it down her throat and she just stared at me.  (Just for the record, I was joking around here). I told her the correct answer would be "no."  Then I told her she would just need to remember to bring the water down so she could drink more.  She told me, "I'm going to remind you, to remind you, to remind me. Okay?"

And at lunch we were talking about Easter coming up, but first we had some birthdays to celebrate.  We got to Steven's and Tabitha said, "He'll be 19 'cause he's already 18. Then he'll be 20."  No doubting she understands number order.

Almost forgot to share how Amelia says lasagna: zee-anya

Don't for get to head over to Not Before 7 to check out what other moms and dads have caught their children saying.

Also would like to remind you of Words of Wisdom Wednesday, my weekly linky.  I will pose a question to my girls, record their answers, post them here and request that you do the same.  I haven't done it for a while, but I hope to keep it going, but I would love some participation.  
Also, I am hosting Hopping Along to Easter along with Cindy at Purple Froggie Clay Stuff.  This series of blog hops will continue through Easter Sunday.  There will be a new topic each week.  We would love if you could answer the question and link up your post with the response. 



  1. I think it is so sweet that you record what they say. My baby is now 14months and I keep saying I am going to get a journal and then I don't...

  2. Great comments! I think the scissors one is my favorite!

  3. Kids say the cutest things :)
    Visiting you from blog hop (new follower)
    Come see me at http://willcookforsmiles.blogspot.com/

  4. new GFC follower
    Ginger Sines
    tuesday fun hop

  5. Following you back from justasmalltownmommy.blogspot.com :) thanks for the follow!


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