Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hopping Along to Easter: What we do to prepare.

Tots and Me

I realize our first question was posted a week ago and I never answered my own question.
What do you do to get ready for Easter?
I was actually a little disappointed that there wasn't much of a response to our hop and only one person actually answered the question in a blog post.  Tomorrow we will be posting the second week's topic and I hope we will have some more participation.

Here is my answer to the question:

While I was brought up Catholic, even then we weren't really strict in observing Lent.  Yeah, I had heard about giving something up for Lent, but was never really serious about it.  Now, as a born again Christian (who also happens to attend a Mennonite church) we don't really observe Lent.  Ash Wednesday was a day to go to church (growing up) and getting ashes on my forehead.  But as a child, I really didn't understand why.  So, while we don't observe Lent, we still prepare for Easter or Resurrection Sunday as I prefer to call it.  We will read the Easter story in the weeks leading up to Easter, using our Resurrection Eggs.  This year I have some great activities in mind to go along with that, so we can keep our hearts and minds focused on what the Lord has done for us.  Last year I was a tad preoccupied with being very very pregnant so their wasn't a lot going on activity wise.  I will be posting about our activities we are doing as we get closer to Easter.  Besides the Resurrection Eggs there are two things we did last year that I would like to do again.  We made Resurrection Rolls and Resurrection Cookies, though I never did post about them, which I thought I had.  You can head on over to Annie's Resurrection Sunday Page for some great ideas of things to do with your children.
We also have a Cross Walk on Good Friday at our church that we like to attend if we can.
You still have time to answer this question on your own blog and head on over to the original post to link up.

1 comment:

  1. I'm Catholic too. One of my family's preparations is the blessing of the food on Holy Saturday. It is a European tradition that some churches still celebrate. I live in Cleveland with the largest Slovenian population outside Slovenia, so of course we have it here. You bring the food that will be eaten on Easter (colored Easter eggs, bread, a potato if you are having mashed potatoes, wine, etc.)in a large basket with a bow, covered with a pretty cloth. It is placed on the alter uncovered. The priest says a few prayers and blesses it. It's a short 15 minute ceremony, but I love the tradition. When I was young, I would swear that the blessed bread was the best and freshest bread I ever had on Easter Sunday!

    Great blog and great question!
    I'm a new follower from the blog hop!
    If you have time, hope you can hop by and follow me:


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