This past week went just about as planned. Yesterday, as hubby was called into work, we just had a snacky type dinner like we (the older kids and I) used to do on Sunday's. We had popcorn and peanut butter/graham cracker sandwiches. Some fruits and veges rounded out our meal. As the majority of the leftovers is lasagna, and it is one of hubby's favorites, we are going to have leftovers tonight.
Here is this week's menu:
Monday:Leftovers from last week
Tuesday: Baked fish, rice and salad.
Wednesday: Southwestern Chicken Pileup (BLC) we really liked this one a couple of weeks ago.
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday (quiche)
Friday: Chicken cutlets with spaghetti and sauce.
Saturday: "Heather's Mexican Rollup" (BLC)
Sunday: Leftovers or hot dogs
Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays

Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
Looks like a great plan for the week.