Sunday, March 20, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: March 20, 2011

Time once again for Scavenger Hunt Sunday hosted by Ashley over at Ramblings and Photos.

This week's list is:
Camera phone, camera, shoes, chair and imperfection.
Here are my interpretations

Camera Phone

As I have no way to upload photos taken on my hubby's cell phone I decided on a slightly different interpretation.  A picture of his cell phone with a picture of my camera.  A camera phone.

Here is another picture of my one and only camera with me peeking out from behind it.  I spend a lot of time back there.

I had a lot of fun setting this shot up.  Mommy and Daddy with the girls running around us and the baby clinging to Mommy.

This is what a chair in our house can look like after letting a little girl of two and a half years eat a donut.

Even with this slight imperfection this orange will taste scrumptious I am sure.

I had to share this other picture.  It warms my heart to receive pictures from my girls.  Last week during church Tabitha handed this to me.  Even though her writing or spelling is not perfect she is improving daily.  She created this on her own, with no prompting.

Almost forgot I was going to share my shot I finally took for Vanishing Point, one of the items from last week:


  1. Hehehe - these are nice. That's quite a donut eating your little girl did on that chair!

  2. WOW - that was from a donut?!?!

  3. Wow..poor chair. I love the note your kiddo gave you! How adorable.

  4. One donut! :D

    I like your shoe shot!

  5. These are beautiful! I can relate to the chair shot. It takes my three kids about five seconds to destroy my kitchen at lunchtime. Then they move onto the living room, bedrooms, etc. I don't think my house will be clean until they move out. LOL

    I'm hosting a new linkie party on my blog called Fabulous Friday and I'd love it if you could participate. The link is:


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