Sunday, March 13, 2011

School Time Week 24 (Ff continued)

I have to call this week "Ff continued" because I am most definitely going to have to do some more F lessons to finish everything I had planned.  It was another week of appointments here, there and everywhere. The appointments came on the days that we didn't have play group or story time, which was great because we at least got to go to those. But it left me with no time to get much else done.  Here is what we did do.

On Monday we read Dr. Seuss's The Foot Book which is one of my favorites.  We started taking pictures to make our own foot book.  Sort of a foot scavenger hunt.

We found left feet

and right feet.

We found feet at night

We found wet feet

And dry feet.

This coming week we will continue finding feet.

While getting our wet feet/dry feet pictures we made foot prints.

Even Mommy took a turn.

Then they really went to town

We have been having a muffin tin everyday for the last few days.  I decided to give the girls a muffin tin for each color of the rainbow and then on St. Patrick's day we will have a rainbow muffin tin.

If you are wondering what everything is, I will be sharing the details in my Muffin Tin Monday Post.

We ended our week with a trip to the library.  The library I go to is in a nearby town.  We do have a library in town, but I prefer the interlibrary system up in New York (benefits of living near the border).  And we go to Story Time up there as well.  This library has weekly programs/concerts/movies/plays.  On Saturday we finally had a chance to go.  And I am so glad we did.  We got to see a program put on by Jeff Boyer.  He has several different programs he puts on.  The one we went to is called Bubble Trouble.  I loved the way he explained the science of bubbles in simple terms and made it so fun for the kids.  Did you know you can catch a bubble?  Did you know you can juggle bubbles?  He made tiny bubbles and medium sized bubbles.  He made bubbles with bubbles inside them.  He made a bubble blow its own bubbles.  He made smoke filled bubbles.  Then he made some HUGE bubbles.  For his grand finale he put a little boy inside a bubble.  I thought it was really cool that it was the boy's fifth birthday, what a great birthday present.  

I found a video on You Tube that he has posted

I was glad to find this to share as I forgot my camera.  How could I forget my camera????  Oh well.

We are looking forward to finishing our Ff lessons this week.  We will also be doing some St. Patrick's Day stuff and we will be starting our Art Lessons from over at Pineapple Paintbrush that I posted about a few days ago.  If you are interested in a free online preschool art class I would suggest heading on over and checking it out.

I am linking to:

Tot School

Shibley Smiles


  1. I love your activity with feet. JDaniel would love it.

    Thanks for linking up!

  2. Aaah sounds like you had a lovely time looking for feet!!! We are practicing "Left and Right Foot" at the moment too - though wellie boots still often end up the wrong way round!!!

    Thanks for joining in on Kids Get Crafty!


  3. Great idea on printing the feet with water. Less mess that way! I'm stopping by from What My Child is Reading. love your ideas.

  4. I like wet feet idea! Foot book was very popular here too. Thanks for joining WMCIR!


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