Sunday, February 27, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: February 27th, 2011

 It's Sunday again.  And this week I have my Scavenger Hunt pictures ready to post!  That's a change.
The items this week were:
Capture the Sky, Everyday, Furry, Life and Blured

Here are my interpretations:

Capture the Sky
I was afraid I wasn't going to get a decent picture as we had so many days with gray clouds.  Then this morning I looked out my window and saw this great shot.
Linking Capture the Sky to:

My daughter does this puzzle she got for her birthday everyday.  She loves doing puzzles and can put them together in a flash.

This furry duck friend is named "Quacky" and Tabitha has had him since she was only a few months old.

Signs of life? Not outside.  But these seeds represent the life that could be.

Hannah wanted a plate to go with her food and I just knew she would be trying to dump the food off or something, so I figured it would be the perfect opportunity for "blurred."

Head on over to Ashley's blog to see other's interpretations.


  1. Great interpretations! I love your sky shot - WOW!!! The everyday one is darling too. We do loads of puzzles at our house too :D

  2. Nicely done - I really like your blurred shot. How sweet.

  3. Wow....that sky shot rocks! love it! And that life shot.....its gorgeous. Great set of shots. My little guy is so into puzzles too! great interpretations!

  4. Lovely sky photo. Enjoyed your photos!

  5. Capture the sky is my fav!!! Very beautiful. I also love icesicles (not sure that is the correct way to spell that word by hey =D) Thanks for stopping by Have a good one!!

  6. Oh, do I love your view of the sky! Those icicles are wonderful. A beautiful sky, right on schedule. Thanks so much for linking in to Exploring with a Camera!


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