Monday, February 7, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: Hh

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

It is time for Muffin Tin Monday again.  I almost forgot again, even though I just thought about it two days ago.  Fortunately there was no theme this week.  And around here, no theme usually means I use our letter of the week, which is Hh this week.  Not that easy to come up with a balanced tin.  Of course, if anyone knows of some fruits or veges starting with H please let me know, 'cause I am blanking. 

Here is what I came up with, with some help from family members.

Ham Roll Ups
Honey Wheat Sticks (Pretzels with Sesame Seeds)
H cheese
Honey Mustard (to dip pretzels and cheese in)
Honey BBQ chips
Heart shaped cake
Peanut Butter and Honey heart sandwich

This went over pretty well, though neither of them enjoyed the sandwich.  I wouldn't even of thought of that combination if we hadn't had it a while back at a friend's house.

Head on over to Muffin Tin Mom to see what others came up with this week. 


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