Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Mailboxes

I have seen several posts about Valentine's Day Mailboxes while I have been hopping around looking at Valentine's Day ideas.  A few of these are linked up at my Valentines Activities Link Up.  I loved the idea of having special mailboxes to give the children a little something in or to have the children give to each other.  Unfortunately I am not able to go out and purchase any right now.  So the other night I came up with a way to make our own.

I started by cutting out pieces of cardboard from a cereal box in the following measurements: 9 3/8 inches by 5 1/2 inches (I used my paper cutter to cut out a size that looked like it would work, then I measured it to make sure the rest were the same size.) I took a normal 9 inch wide piece of constuction paper and cut the length down to 8 7/8 inches.

Then I cut slits into each side approximately 1/2 inch in and almost to the top and bottom.

Then the girls glued on their hearts for decoration.

I let them decorate them on their own while they took turns getting their hair down. Was perhaps a mistake because there is a lot of glue clumped on Amelia's. I had trouble getting both of them to bend.  So I made sure to tell Steven to decorate just the sides of his:

Then I slid the sides into the slots.

I folded the little sliver of paper that was underneath and taped it down.  Then I traced the opening to make the back and front.  I taped the back on:

And I taped the bottom of the front on.  Then I added a piece of Velcro to the mailbox and a piece of Velcro to a tiny piece of paper that I attached to the door.

And of course we can't forget the flag, which is being held on with a paper fastener so it can go up and down.

I am going to link this to:

Tots and Me


  1. Thank you so much for linking to the Virtual Valentine’s Day Party on my blog. Please take a moment between now and the end of the party Monday night to visit a few of the other party guests. I would love to everyone who linked up to have other guests stop by for a visit.

    Remember if you visit two guests and leave me a comment that you did you could win a $15 Visa Gift Card.

    I love that you made the mailbox from scratch!


Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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