Thursday, February 17, 2011

Free Mighty Book Jr. Subscription!!!

No, this isn't a giveaway.  This is something I found out about at a new blog I found while blog hopping this evening.  Nicole, over at Mom Always Finds Out had posted about a special offer from this great site of animated books.  I have no idea how long this offer is good for, so if you are interested in online reading with your children (ages 2-10) head on over to Mighty Book Jr. and check out all they have to offer.  Like I said, I have no idea how long this promotion code will be good for, however, once it ends, a 1 year subscription is $99.

In order to take advantage of the promotion you just have to do one simple thing.  After you follow the link to their site, click on the "Subscribe Now" button (not the "Free 2 Week Trial button") it is in the top right hand corner.  You will be directed to the sign up page, where it says, "Subscribing is as easy as 1, 2, 3." DO NOT choose a subscription option.  Go straight to the box that says "Please Enter Your Code Here" and type in learntoread. It is as simple as that. 

You will have access to their great animated books which include classics, fairy tales, nursery rhymes, Beatrix Potter, science and nature and Spanish.  They also have quizzes, puzzles, games and more.

I love that this is their mission:
"Our mission is to make learning to read fun"


  1. Found you on the blog hop =) Please follow back, thanks!


  2. My son's teacher sent me the free subscription code last week and it is a great site!

  3. This is awesome! Thanks for posting!

    ~Carla @ Jansen Family Adventures


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