Monday, February 21, 2011

Muffin Tin Monday: Breakfast in a Muffin Tin

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

I had a request this morning to make breakfast in the muffin tin.  So, I obliged.  I have seen many others do muffin tin breakfasts but have always stuck with lunch for some reason.  As I had not paid attention a couple of weeks ago, I didn't realize there were no longer going to be weekly themes.  So I had not planned anything specific yet anyway.  Though I think I will miss the themes I do like that she posted monthly theme ideas, nothing set in stone.  And I will definitely be using our letters of the week as a theme.  

Healthy cereal (cinnamon Life)
Orange segments
Scrambled Eggs
Blueberry yogurt
Sweet Cereal (Fruity Diamonds)
Waffle cut into strips
They also had milk and apple juice.

Tabitha did a great job (though she did need some coaxing to eat the yogurt):

Amelia did not do as good, but it was a big lunch.


  1. I love breakfast. This one looks extra good.

  2. That circular plate is perfect with the waffle! I need to find me one. :)


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