Friday, February 11, 2011

Showers of Love

In our attempt to decorate the house for Valentine's Day we made what I am calling Showers of Love. 

We started out by making Homemade Finger Paint. I found a simple recipe over at Creative Kids at Home.  It was great to be able to make a non toxic finger paint with ingredients found right in my kitchen:

1/2 cup cornstarch

3 Tbsp. sugar

1/2 tsp. salt

2 cups cold water

food coloring

We had fun combining the first 4 ingredients in a pan and stirring them over low heat for about 13 minutes (it says 10-15, so I timed it for 10.  It was still really liquidy at 10 minutes so I set the timer for 5 more minutes.  After about 2 minutes I started stirring up glops.   A minute later it was nice and thick.)

After it cooled down I re-used some baby food jars. I have one jar each of pink, purple, blue and green finger paint.  We used the pink and purple for our project.

Did I mention I am glad it was homemade and non toxic:

However, I figured a few mouthfuls was enough, so Hannah ended up playing with our jar lid letters.

We also made thumbprint hearts, but there are no pictures of making those as I was intent upon placing children's thumbs in the right place.

When the paint was dry I cut them out in the shape of heart clouds.

I was afraid the paint would make the paper curl and I was right.  Too rectify this problem I taped some strips of cardboard onto the back of each heart.

Isn't it great that V stands for Valentine

Then I taped some thread to the back of the heart and taped the little hearts to the thread.

I am linking this project up to

Tots and Me


  1. I love this mobile of love. What a great idea! Thanks for linking to the Virtual Valentine's Party.

  2. Please take a moment between now and the end of the party Monday night to visit a few of the other party guests. I would love to everyone who linked up to have other guests stop by for a visit.

    Remember if you visit two guests and leave me a comment that you did you could win a $15 Visa Gift Card.

  3. Very cute and I love that you named it Showers of Love! Kerri


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