Monday, February 21, 2011

Snowy Day and Lots of Fun!!

Well, I woke up this morning and was greeted by a covering of white much to my surprise.  So daddy thought it would be fun for the girls if mommy would  take them out and let them play.  So, before lunch we headed out the door (Hannah stayed inside with big brother as she hasn't been feeling well).

Yesterday we could see the grass and gravel.  Not today.

After getting really cold (especially Amelia who didn't listen when mommy said don't go in the deep snow) and learning how to make snow angels, we came in with our bowl of snow to make Snow Ice Cream.  I found a recipe for it over at Jill's blog Meet the Dubiens a while ago. We had to patiently wait for a good snow fall.

1 large bowl of fresh, white snow
1/2 cup white sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1 cup milk (plus more if necessary) We used soy milk because Steven is allergic to cow's milk.
sprinkles - optional

Note to self, large bowl does not equal Tupperware Thatsa Bowl.  This is considered a huge bowl and took more of the ingredients.

Hannah kept signing please (something she just started a day or two ago) but we couldn't figure out what she wanted. We tried to give her bites but she refused.  Seems she wanted the bowl.


  1. Hi I'm your newest follower from chickadee tuesdays. Your daughter are so cute! It looks like the snow ice cream was a hit! My blog is at I hope you have a chance to stop by.

  2. Snow ice cream is the best! ;) Hi I am following you from Tuesday Tag Blog Hop hope you will follow back.

  3. Thanks so much for linking to me! Looks like your kids had a lot of fun.


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