Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tiny Talk Tuesday: February 1, 2011


Well, I had to hunt around to find the scraps of paper these cute saying were recorded on.  Time to share.

One day we saw flashing light outside our window and it was suggested that it was a fire truck by Amelia.  Tabitha said, "No, cause it didn't siren yet." I told the girls it was probably a plow.

Daddy was getting ready to leave for work the other day and was going around giving kisses and hugs as always.  He got to Amelia and asked where his kisses were.  She said, "I threw them out."  How's that for feeling loved?

Amelia was slowly waltzing around the other day saying, "Got kates on my feet. Got kates on my feet."  I asked, "Skates?" Amelia answered, "Yeah, got kates on."

We found some "throwback" Pepsi bottles at Walmart the other day.  (I wish they would go back to them, not just the design, but the formula.  Did you know that the throwback has real sugar, while the current Pepsi has high fructose corn syrup?)  I was drinking some with my meal and Tabitha was looking at the bottle.  She said, "Let me see the word. p-e-p-see.  Maybe when I'm ninety I can drink that."

We had birthday cake for my girl last week (I plan on posting the pictures ASAP, we just got a new computer and I am having fun getting situated).  Tabitha was starting to eat cake with her fork at dinner.  She said, "I'm going to do this (sticks the fork into the cake), and then jab it into my mouth with out poking."

And this evening Amelia was coloring at the chalkboard.  I was sitting there feeding Hannah and I heard, "I made a boat.  It's AWESOME."
To clarify, I asked, "A boat or a bird?"
Amelia answered, "A boat.  It's a submarine."
A few minutes later she had moved over to the activity table and was putting the magnetic circle on the pizza for toppings.  She said, "I'm almost making pizza."
Here's a picture of her "submarine."  I really don't know where she heard that word.


  1. Very fun quotes! And poor Daddy, getting his kisses thrown out...

  2. oo very much loved these quotes! I love the I threw them out comment. When I give Sammy too many kisses he says in a what I would assume a teenage tone.. thats enough mom!! :-P Wheres the love?


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