Saturday, February 19, 2011

You Capture

I decided I would like to get back into posting photos for the photography challenges.  So here is my post for this past week's You Capture over at Beth's blog, I Should be Folding Laundry.  This week's topic was warmth.  That worked out really well with the warm up we had the last few days.  Tabitha was thinking we were going to get to plant the garden soon.  I told her we unfortunately had more than a month of winter left (and in this area it takes forever to look like spring).  So while we were out I took a picture of "warmth."  It was a much nicer picture than the one I wanted to take.  The one that showed what happens to our poor driveway (which is the parking lot of the old thrift shop which has relocated, so there is no upkeep).

I took this photo at the library when we came out of Story Time.  I love seeing the green grass, but the short lived warmth has made me long for spring even more.  I always say I would rather it stay cold during winter so we don't end up with sloppy sloshy icy messes.

Head on over


to see what brings others warmth

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