Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Online Learning

Back to Homeschool Blog Hop
Welcome to the Back to Homeschool Blog Hop, where over 50 of my fellow bloggers from the Schoolhouse Review Crew are going to be sharing various posts on the subject of homeschooling. As I have been spending the last month sharing different products in my Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration, I am going to be sharing with you some of my favorite products, ideas and resources for different subjects. These aren't written in stone, but I plan to share some ideas on:
In honor of today's Back to School/5 Year Blogiversary Celebration review of ABC Twiggles, I would like to focus on some fun online learning sites we have used in the past, some of which we still use. 

Thanks to the Schoolhouse Review Crew, we have had the privilege of reviewing quite a few online programs. I have also reviewed a couple of these on my own. While I do enjoy hands-on learning, there have been some great benefits to using online learning. I can usually let the girls do their work while I get other things done, such as doing things with the little ones, cleaning, cooking, or napping (yes, napping). Their progress is usually recorded so I can see what they have gotten accomplished. And, frankly, they see it as playing on the computer which is so much more attractive to them than working at the table. Fortunately, they are learning at the same time.

Here are some great online sites you may want to try out. I have sorted them by subject and linked to my review if applicable.

Preschool Sites:

  • Sesame Street- This is a site that the girls used to get on when they were younger. It is free.
  • Starfall- This is another free site for learning. The girls learned letters, letter sounds and reading with phonics.
  • More Starfall- This site is one we used in the past but didn't renew this year, mainly due to finances. For just $35 a year you get additional phonics practice, plus they have songs, rhymes, colors, and math. If you purchase a subscription to more.starfall.com you also have access to some 1st grade math and reading, as well as 2nd grade math.
  • ABCMouse.com- We reviewed ABCMouse.com and the children still ask to get on it daily. This early learning academy has many subjects for young children. All 3 girls were able to have an account, but it is really more suited for Hannah.


  • Science4Us.com- We reviewed their Online Subscription which gave us access for both older girls for 6 months. This program is suitable for K-2 grade, though it can be used as review for older children.
Full Curriculum:

    • Time4Learning- This is an educational program that includes lessons for preschool through high school. We got to review this with Tabitha and Amelia last year.
    • Early Expert Spanish- We reviewed this as a part of my Back to Preschool Blast a couple of years ago. We were able to have access for all the girls and could have added one more.
    Language Arts:
    • VocabularySpellingCity- We had the opportunity to review their Premium Membership. They do have a free basic package as well, full of fun, game-based learning.
    What are your favorite online resources?

    There will be a wide variety of homeschool posts shared this week by my fellow Crew mates on the Schoolhouse Review Crew. I hope you will find some time to stop by and see what wisdom you can glean. There are always wonderful posts by these great ladies. Here, check out today's posts:
    Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break shares My Back to Homeschool Checklist: Schedules and Routine
    Tara @ This Sweet Life shares 26 Back-to-School Muffin Recipes
    Laura @ My (re)Viewpoint shares Spending Money on Books to Safe Money on Books? Yes!
    Alyson @ Family Style School shares Breaking the School Year Into Bite Sized Chucks: Lesson Planning.
    Kemi @ Homemaking Organized shares Our Methods (and Madness)
    Anne @ Upstate Ramblings shares Back to Homeschool - 10th Grade Curriculum
    Julie @ Nurturing Learning shares Morning Time- Getting the most out of your school day
    Beth @ Acorn Hill Academy shares Making History Relevant: Maps
    Also check out the main post on the Schoolhouse Crew Blog, for all the participating blogs and a chance to enter the huge giveaway worth $1300.

    Speaking of giveaways
    Don't forget to enter to win in this week's
    Back to School Weekly Giveaway
    There will be 2 winners again this week!
    Each winner will receive a copy of
    The Reading Game


    1. We are an online education family. We have used time4learning.com on and off for years. We are hoping to use science4us.com this year or next. We love to add hands on games to our day. This reading game would be a great add on.

    2. We've enjoyed using Science 4Us this past year. My first grader really loved the interactive lessons!

    3. We love Time4Learning! My boys are currently in the 5th and 10th grades, and they have been using T4L since early 2007 (2nd grade for the oldest). We all still love it!

      Wonderful list of resources! Thank you! :D

    4. My favorites are Time4Learning & Spelling City ;)

    5. We love Time4Learning! My daughter finds the lessons very engaging. And I like anything that makes learning fun.


    Thank you for visiting my blog today. I love to read your comments, so please leave me one if you have the time.

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