Monday, August 18, 2014

Fun in the Kitchen with Raddish Cooking Boxes

It is no secret that we love our Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen time. We have been enjoying time together in the kitchen for several years. I believe the kitchen is a wonderful place for learning, and was intrigued when I discovered Raddish Kids, a company that supplies cooking boxes, full of fun and learning. 

We received the Pack-Me-A-Picnic box. As you can see from the picture above, this box was jammed pack with cooking and activity fun. We received:
  • 3 Recipe Guides
  • 2 Activity Cards
  • A Shopping List
  • A Skill Card
  • An Iron-on Apron Badge
  • Table Talk Cards
  • Sandwich Wrappers
  • Materials for the Sock Toss Game (3 socks and plastic sandwich baggies)
  • Wooden Spoon
I love the care that was taken in packaging. To me, this really shows care of the product. Here, let me share a picture of how nicely it was wrapped in the box. 

There is a list of the contents provided on a 5 1/2 " by 8 1/2 " quality cardstock card.

The shopping list is printed on the back of the contents card.

The Recipe Guides are on tri-folded glossy card stock, which end up being the same size as the contents/shopping list card when folded. There is one guide for each recipe. Here is the card for the Backyard BBQ Chicken Wrap. We also have the recipe guides to make Polka Dot Orzo Salad and Chunky Monkey Bars.

As you can see from the picture, the Recipe Guide states the name of the dish, whether it is a lunch, a snack/dessert, a side dish, or whichever meal it will go with, it gives a description of the food, a quote from child, and an illustration. The bottom of the card highlights the different culinary skills and kitchen connections. There are many different skills and connections, the ones pictured above are: culture, kitchen safety, cooking techniques, reading comprehension, and senses. 

Here is the Recipe Guide unfolded. 

The first section is dedicated to "What You Need." This includes the ingredients and tools, shown with pictures and labeled underneath.

The other two sections are devoted to the Steps (or what we would call the directions) for making the recipe. These are again illustrated to help show children what they are to be doing, while also having the written instructions below them.

On the back of the cards you will find Fun Bites, Ingredient Spotlights, and Kitchen Tips. 

The Skill Card we received was "Stirring," and it gave some basic information and tips. Your children will learn why they need to stir, how they are supposed to stir, and tips for tidy stirring.

Also included were the 2 Activity Cards. For this picnic box we were given instructions for a Picnic Scavenger Hunt and a Sock Toss Game. As noted above, we also received the socks and plastic baggies for the Sock Toss Game. 

We have not yet had a chance to make the food as I didn't realize how many foods we weren't going to have available in our home from the shopping list. When we get a chance to make these yummy sounding foods, I will share another post, probably as a Kids and a Mom in the Kitchen.

I have to say, overall, I am quite impressed by the quality of this product. I love the illustrations to help a child see what it is they are supposed to be doing while making the recipes. Raddish lays out all the ingredients and tools that will be used in the recipes. There were great picnic ideas provided in the Fun Bites section along with ideas for creativity in creating variations of the Orzo salad and Chunky Monkey bars. I have to say, even I learned some interesting food trivia in the Ingredient Spotlight section. The Kitchen Tips sections had great suggestions for picnic safety, how to save money on cheese, saving time when making the chicken wrap and how to spice of the coleslaw in the wrap. Of course, the other guides had great ideas as well. 

There are a wide variety of Cooking Kits available from Raddish for $24 + free shipping. You can also choose to get different subscriptions to help save some money and receive a Raddish apron. There is also a section for supplementing your homeschool learning.

You can also find Raddish Kids on Facebook.

The generous folks over at Raddish Kids have given me permission to give away a Cooking Box in the Grand Prize Giveaway (worth over $300) that begins August 17th, giving the winner the complete set!

Don't miss out on the Grand Prize Giveaway!
Click here to enter the giveaway.

Don't miss out on the Grand Prize Giveaway!
Click here to enter the giveaway.

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