Sunday, August 31, 2014

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: August 31, 2014

Time for some Scavenger Hunt Sunday!

I realize it has been a long time since I have participated (again). I always have plans of doing better it seems. Now that the summer is over and we are starting back up with lessons, maybe I can get back on a schedule with my blog too. For this week, I am going to share my photos for the last two weeks worth of prompts.

Table Setting, Flowers, Children, Running, Photographer's Choice

Table Setting
Don't need a table setting when you are sitting on the ground outside the library during the end-of-summer-reading-program party.

The flowers in our flower box by the road.

What says "children" better than little ones eagerly begging for balloons.

Hannah running a race during game time at VBS

Photographer's Choice
One of my favorite photos from VBS, Harold enjoying a Sno-Kone.

Now for this week's prompts.

Back to School, Family, Books, Portrait, Detail

Back to School
You can tell it is back to school time when my table is covered with planners, notebooks, folders and more.

My oldest daughter was with us when we went to the Bills game last week. I was able to convince her to take a picture of us, seeing as she isn't fond of being in the pictures.

 This picture was taken at the end-of-summer-reading-program at our local library (yes, we attend two). It was from this wonderful selection that children could choose their free books.

I tried taking a picture of each of the children outside the church today. Tabitha's turned out the best, so I decided to use hers.


I did not realize the detail I was photographing when I took these pictures of Harold breaking open a peanut. 


  1. It's great that you posted photos for last weeks prompts. My favorite of all 10 is the table setting. That would be great framed for a dining room wall. I love the peanut photo. The detail is great!

  2. A wonderful two for one! Lovely captures of all your family!


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