Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hopping Along to Easter: What we do to prepare.

Tots and Me

I realize our first question was posted a week ago and I never answered my own question.
What do you do to get ready for Easter?
I was actually a little disappointed that there wasn't much of a response to our hop and only one person actually answered the question in a blog post.  Tomorrow we will be posting the second week's topic and I hope we will have some more participation.

Here is my answer to the question:

While I was brought up Catholic, even then we weren't really strict in observing Lent.  Yeah, I had heard about giving something up for Lent, but was never really serious about it.  Now, as a born again Christian (who also happens to attend a Mennonite church) we don't really observe Lent.  Ash Wednesday was a day to go to church (growing up) and getting ashes on my forehead.  But as a child, I really didn't understand why.  So, while we don't observe Lent, we still prepare for Easter or Resurrection Sunday as I prefer to call it.  We will read the Easter story in the weeks leading up to Easter, using our Resurrection Eggs.  This year I have some great activities in mind to go along with that, so we can keep our hearts and minds focused on what the Lord has done for us.  Last year I was a tad preoccupied with being very very pregnant so their wasn't a lot going on activity wise.  I will be posting about our activities we are doing as we get closer to Easter.  Besides the Resurrection Eggs there are two things we did last year that I would like to do again.  We made Resurrection Rolls and Resurrection Cookies, though I never did post about them, which I thought I had.  You can head on over to Annie's Resurrection Sunday Page for some great ideas of things to do with your children.
We also have a Cross Walk on Good Friday at our church that we like to attend if we can.
You still have time to answer this question on your own blog and head on over to the original post to link up.

Giveaway Opportunity at Beloved: Sowers of Hope Etsy Shop GC

I have been following Amy's blog Beloved for a while. This past couple of weeks she had been focusing on headcovering.  If you have ever wondered why some Christian women wear a covering on their heads I would suggest you head on over to her blog and read her posts on headcovering.  Not only does she have an awesome story, she shares some great links.  Her posting has made me rethink and recommit to wearing a headcovering in obedience to my Lord (you can read my story over at my other blog, Turn My Life Around).
Okay, I mentioned there was a giveaway.  If you head on over to Beloved you have the opportunity to enter her giveaway for a $20 GC for Sowers of Hope.  They have some really neat headcoverings to choose from.

Personally I like the Bethany Veils.

Foliage and Flowers  Chiffon Bethany Veil Headcovering Prayer Cover

There are many different styles and materials to choose from.  Head on over to Amy's blog by April 1st for your chance to enter her giveaway.

Friday Blog Hops: April 1, 2011

Time to find some cool new blogs. I'm looking forward to making some new friends. I hope you can take the time to check out my blog, if you like what you see I would love for you to follow my blog. I also have a Facebook page you could "Like" and if you have a second, could you take the time to vote for my blog on Picket Fences. You can also follow me on Twitter and subscribe to my email.
I have a new weekly link up I invite you to check out:
Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
And starting on Friday I invite you to come check out The Hopping Along to Easter Blog Hop.  There will be new themes every week from now until Easter and you can link up all week.
Looking forward to visiting some new blogs this week. Have a blessed day.



Born2Impress Blog Hop


Stalk Hop Friday

If you head on over Mrs. Marine and the Tiny Troops make sure to check out her fun comment game as part of the Ultimate Blog Party and other celebrations she has going on this week.

Touch of Home Learning

Thursday Blog Hopping Time March 31, 2011

Time for some more blog hopping!!

Pregnancy and Baby 411 Fab Friends Thursday Blog Hop

bloghopbutterflybutton Terrific Thursday Blop Hop! Week 7
Terrific Thursday Blog Hop

Hop on over and find some new friends today.

And don't forget to check out my Breakfast for Dinner Link up.  Do you ever eat breakfast for dinner.  I know, weird sounding to some, off the wall, normal to others. If you do, please post about it and link up.  I am trying out a new recipe this week. Would love for you to stop by.

Breakfast for Dinner Thursdays March 31st, 2011

Tots and Me

This week we are having quiche by request of hubby.  I used to have a couple of recipes, but I couldn't find them.  So I checked out trusty and found what seems like a great basic quiche recipe.  It has some pretty good reviews. I will be back later to update with how it turned out.

What did you have this week for breakfast... at dinner time.

Come link up your breakfast for dinner posts below.

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: March 30, 2011 (w/linky)

Wordless Wednesday (well sort of.  Maybe a few words).  A little late as we had a "planned power outage" this morning.
"Take my temperature"

Learning to brush hair.

She didn't need a nap. Really??

Link up your Wordless (or not so wordless) posts here.

1. Mama to 4 Blessings w/ Linky  4. GrammyMouseTails*linky*  7. Supermoma  
2. project alicia **linky**  5. GRANDdaughter-linky  8. Little JJ that could  
3. A Lot of Loves *linky*  6. Love birds  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Words of Wisdom Wednesday: March 29, 2011

Welcome to Words of Wisdom Wednesday. If you are new to Words of Wisdom Wednesday, welcome.  In Words of Wisdom Wednesday I post the answer to the question I posed to the girls this week.  I just want to get them thinking and I am intrigued by the way their minds work.  I invite you to ask the same question to your children and post their answer on your blog.  At the end of the post there will be a linky for you to join up with which will be open all week.  I just ask that you link back here in your post so others can hear about Words of Wisdom Wednesday.  In fact, if you would like to grab my button it is over on my sidebar.

This week I asked the girls:

Why do you think the snow comes in the spring?

Here is Tabitha's answer:
It goes away in May.  that's why it snows in spring.  We don't want it to snow in spring though.  It looks funny when it snows in spring.  Because it looks like winer when it snows in spring and spring's really fun.

Here is Amelia's answer:
Because I don't know.  Because, spring time.

I'd love for you to join in.

Share your answer to this week's question.

1. in everything  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Tiny Talk Tuesday: March 29, 2011

After I posted last week, hubby found some of the comments that I had wanted to post.  I was so glad, especially after reading them.  I love having the ability, through this blog to record such things that I would have forgotten.  I'm speaking from experience, because I have the 3 teenagers and I have such trouble remember things they did and said.  

Daddy was playing his new Super Mario All Stars game and he was making sure not to get caught by the piranha plant (thought I would provide a picture in case you are not sure what they are):

Amelia said, "Watch out for the scissors."

One day while in the kitchen and Hannah was in the walker, Amelia was walking by her and Hannah started to put Amelia's dress in her mouth.
Amelia: Hannah, stop eating my dress. This is food (pointing at the garbage).
Mom: Actually, that's the garbage.
Amelia: Hannah, that's the gar..bage.

We were driving home from Krystal's dessert theater and the girls were finding the moon.  Tabitha said, "Dad, look, we're taking the moon home with us.

One day Amelia bumped her head in the bathroom.  She said, "I hurt my hair."

Okay, this was a while ago, but I have to record it somewhere so I can throw the paper out that it is written on.
Tabitha was playing with the cups and bowls at breakfast.  Here is what she said, "Okay, let's count.  A, B, C, D)

Tabitha said this one day, "Daddy has his people at his work. Steven has his people at his work. Don't you think daddy can share his work?

Let me explain that daddy likes, no needs, no can't live with out his coffee.  Coffee gets warmed up in the microwave throughout the day.  One day the microwave was beeping. 
Tabitha: Daddy, there's something beeping.
Daddy: Yep, it's the microwave.
Tabitha: Is that your coffee or what?

Today Tabitha and I were discussing how she needed to drink more, preferably water.  She has a Hello Kitty bottle that we keep filled with water, but she tends to forget it upstairs in her room (they take them upstairs at bedtime) She was making it out as if it was my fault that she doesn't drink enough.  I asked her if she wanted me to shove it down her throat and she just stared at me.  (Just for the record, I was joking around here). I told her the correct answer would be "no."  Then I told her she would just need to remember to bring the water down so she could drink more.  She told me, "I'm going to remind you, to remind you, to remind me. Okay?"

And at lunch we were talking about Easter coming up, but first we had some birthdays to celebrate.  We got to Steven's and Tabitha said, "He'll be 19 'cause he's already 18. Then he'll be 20."  No doubting she understands number order.

Almost forgot to share how Amelia says lasagna: zee-anya

Don't for get to head over to Not Before 7 to check out what other moms and dads have caught their children saying.

Also would like to remind you of Words of Wisdom Wednesday, my weekly linky.  I will pose a question to my girls, record their answers, post them here and request that you do the same.  I haven't done it for a while, but I hope to keep it going, but I would love some participation.  
Also, I am hosting Hopping Along to Easter along with Cindy at Purple Froggie Clay Stuff.  This series of blog hops will continue through Easter Sunday.  There will be a new topic each week.  We would love if you could answer the question and link up your post with the response. 


Monday, March 28, 2011

Tuesday Blog Hops

Time for some fun blog hopping. Here are the Tuesday Blog Hops I have found. Won't you join us and make some new friends.
Later today I will be posting Tiny Talk Tuesday. Hope you can stop in for a look.
I also host Words of Wisdom Wednesday and Breakfast for Dinner Thursday. There is an ongoing series of Hopping Along to Easter blog hops which will continue through Easter Sunday. (All of these buttons are on my sidebar if you would like to check them out.) On Wednesday I will be posting my Wordless Wednesday photos. And the weekend will bring our school time wrap up.
Looking forward to visiting some new blogs.

Hip Homeschool Hop Button Mommying On The Fly  Ourfamilyworld Photobucket

Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up- March 29, 2011

My Giveaways :  

None currently, though I have 2 reviews and giveaways on the horizon.  Stay tuned.

Welcome to the NEW and improved and very exciting

Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up 

This link up will be posted Monday at 8 PM Central Standard Time (CST) run all week, so be sure to stop in as often as you can to list your latest giveaways. The giveaway link up will be posted on Monday nights so be sure to follow Purple Froggie Clay Stuff and Tots and Me via email so you can get started on all of the link-up-ed-ness. 

Here is how to use the Giveaway Link Up

1. Post your giveaways, as many as you have, be sure to add the end date 

2. Now you can post reviews and anything you would like (family friendly please) 

3. Spread the word about the giveaway link up by Tweeting or posting on Facebook.

If you would like to follow the two hostesses, we will gladly follow you back, please be sure to leave us a message.

Thank you for linking up with Purple Froggie Clay Stuff and Tots and Me. 




Tuesday's Giveaway Link Up


1. Gift Pack 4/14  
2. Stewart @ PetSmart 4/28  
3. Ballerina DVD 4/28  
4.$55 Eden Fantasys Gift Card 4/26  
5.$75 Zutano Gift Card 4/25  
6.$50 ProFlowers Gift Card 4/24  
7. Jewelry Box 4/24  
8. Cool Mist Humidifier 4/14  
9. Starts Bounce-A-Bout Activity Center 4/18  
10. Gift Set 4/1  
11. by Joanne 4/1  
12. WINE SLEEVE 04/09, $20 VALUE!  
13.'s A Dame To Do?! 4/1  
14.'s Pizza 4/1  
15. Gift Card 4/1  
16.$100 GNC Gift Card 4/8  
17.$50 Party City 4/7  
18. Winners, Tavern Direct Gourmet  
19.$580 Montessori Print Shop Deluxe CD Rom! 4/12  
20. of Jerky Variety Pack 3/31  
21. Infant/Toddler Shoes 3/31  
22. Mac Vinyl Decals - $25 3/31  
23. card game - Moosetache Games 3/31  
24. Body Butter - 2 winners! US 4/8  
25. 2 Impress Serta Mattress 5/1 US  
26. Sanitizer  
27. Heart Mist  
28. Nightlight  
29. Classic White 4.5-Qt. Stand Mixer 4/17 at midnight  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Muffin Tin Monday: Gg

Muffin Tin Monday at

Today we had a Gg muffin tin.  Even though we supposedly started G last week, we didn't get a lot done because the girls were sick.  So of course last's week I didn't even attempt a G muffin tin.
Grilled cheese sandwich with a couple of G bread cut out
Graham crackers
Gold Fish (the versatile cracker.  We just used it for F-fish, now it gets to be used for goldfish)
Another G bread cut out
Green Beans
Green Grapes
Granola bar


Monday Blog Hops: March 28, 2011

Time for some more fun blog hopping. Here are the Monday Blog Hops I have found. Won't you join us and make some new friends.
Later today I will be posting our Muffin Tin Monday. Hope you can stop in for a look.
I also host Words of Wisdom Wednesday and Breakfast for Dinner Thursday. There is an ongoing series of Hopping Along to Easter blog hops which will continue through Easter Sunday.  (All of these buttons are on my sidebar if you would like to check them out). On Tuesday I link up to Tiny Talk Tuesday. And the weekend will bring our school time wrap up.
Looking forward to visiting some new blogs.

Monday Blog Hop

The Not-So-Secret Confessions of a First Time Mom

Making Friends Monday!

Menu Plan Monday: Week of March 28, 2011


This past week went just about as planned.  Yesterday, as hubby was called into work, we just had a snacky type dinner like we (the older kids and I) used to do on Sunday's. We had popcorn and peanut butter/graham cracker sandwiches.  Some fruits and veges rounded out our meal. As the majority of the leftovers is lasagna, and it is one of hubby's favorites, we are going to have leftovers tonight.

Here is this week's menu:
Monday:Leftovers from last week
Tuesday: Baked fish, rice and salad.
Wednesday: Southwestern Chicken Pileup (BLC) we really liked this one a couple of weeks ago.
Thursday: Breakfast For Dinner Thursday (quiche)
Friday: Chicken cutlets with spaghetti and sauce.
Saturday: "Heather's Mexican Rollup" (BLC)
Sunday: Leftovers or hot dogs

Don't forget to join my on Thursdays for Breakfast For Dinner Thursdays
Tots and Me

Mommy and Me Monday March 28, 2011

I was just going to link up my school time post, but decided I would make a separate post.

Talking about gravity

Some building with blocks time, we were making a castle.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday: March 27, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Decay, Groups of 3, Kitchen, Things that make you go hmmmm, and "Me" Time

I walked by this abandoned building months ago and thought it would be a great subject for "abandoned." Decay works, huh.

Groups of 3

I have my group of three little girls with me all the time.

Also linking to 


Here I am in front on my two favorite decorations in my kitchen.  I have had the heart for years and have used the colors for my kitchens ever since. My mom made the other decoration.

Then I thought I would share something that came out of my kitchen last night.

Things that make you go hmmm

Looking out of  my window and seeing all the snow we got the other day after it had all melted away was enough to make me go, "hmmmm, what happened to spring?"  Wish I had gotten a picture that day, because the trees were lovely.

"Me" Time

Today I was able to get out for a walk by myself.  Some great "me" time.  

Head on over to Ramblings and Photos to see what others have taken photos of this week.

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