Saturday, June 30, 2012

Summer Celebration Event- Voda Swimsuit

Here is the latest giveaway in the Summer Celebration Event. 
A Little Bit of Everything and Voda Swim have teamed up for our next Great Prize.

It is summer.  We all know that means swimsuits and beaches.  So what better way then to get a new bikini.

Voda swimsuit has the ENVY push up tops.  I LOVE them.  As you can see it helps to make everything look better on the top.  And what woman doesn't like that.

The material does not take on water.  This allows you to wear the suit when swimming and when you come out of the water, doesn't leave everything all saggy looking.  You can go swimming, sunbathing, and of course play on the beach as well.  The push up top will allow you to do all of these things, and keep it's shape and you looking good.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

**Disclosure  I received a product for review.  All the opinions are my own.

1 comment:

  1. the stiring bikini is my fav!

    vanillakaren (at)


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