Monday, June 11, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Springy Breakfast

Muffin Tin Monday at

Well, it was an attempt at a spring time breakfast muffin tin. A flower and fruit and fruity colors. What do you think?

The waffle is the flower with a chocolate chip center and the petals cut away.
Sausage caterpillars
Sunny scrambled eggs
Peanut butter and apple butter dirt/mud to spread their petals with
Syrupy sap to dunk their petals in
Fruity Trix 

Nothing like watching ants while you eat.

Digging in!

Spreading peanut butter (then she dunked it in the syrup.

Telling us the food groups. We do this every time, but she took over today.

I have to say, I found some great waffle topping combinations this weekend and this morning. Amelia wanted apple butter on hers. Yum!
We didn't do our peanut butter and apple slices this week as I like to do. That was because we were out of apples. 
I liked the one I made myself this morning. Spread butter on a waffle while it is still warm and sprinkle mini chocolate chips on top. Let them melt a little bit. Yummy.

What do you like to spread on your waffles?


  1. Your girls are so cute! What a great lunch with the waffle fixings! My kiddies would love that. :)

  2. Apple butter on a waffle sounds delicious!


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