Monday, June 4, 2012

Muffin Tin Monday: Remedies for a Cold Dreary Day

Muffin Tin Monday at

Today daddy came up with a great idea for a muffin tin (It makes me so happy that he supports me in this sort of thing).  As it has been chilly, damp and dreary for the last few days, daddy thought it would be a good idea  to have a muffin tin with things we would have on a cold day. In other words, things to make us warm.

I started out by making individual Apple Crisps in their muffin tins. While those baked I got the rest of the ingredients ready. The idea was to have everything nice and warm to serve to them. Didn't quite work out perfectly, but they enjoyed it.

Here is the completed muffin tin.

Besides the Apple Crisp I gave them:
Tomato Soup
Oatmeal with some brown sugar
Raisins for the oatmeal
Hot Chocolate
Marshmallows for the hot chocolate
Mitten shaped grilled cheese sandwich to dunk in the tomato soup.

They seemed to enjoy this. Surprisingly, Hannah didn't eat the apple crisp. She didn't like the oatmeal either. Amelia asked for a second sandwich. I guess it was really yummy without the crust.  


  1. Yum - Apple crisp! And I'll drink hot chocolate even when it's warm out! Thanks for sharing.

  2. The crisps look and sound great! Love your tin!

  3. Love this idea!! It warmed me up just looking at it! :)

  4. Looks so yummy. You always have such fun and creative ideas!!


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