Sunday, June 24, 2012

Sunday Photo Round-up: June 24, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday items: Warped, Concentric Circles, Gear, Glazed and Marble


The top four plates were just purchased a few months ago. They are the cutest little animal plates that daddy got for the girls and Harold. Tabitha has a frog, Amelia has a ladybug, Hannah has a cow and Harold has a monkey (mommy has been using that one occasionally, I don't think he will mind). Of course, it doesn't look like he will have a chance to use it. They have been warping something awful. Amelia's has two cracks in it. 

Concentric Circles

I confess, I had to look up the meaning of concentric circles.
Anyway, I wanted a picture of Harold with his two toys, obviously he wasn't in a cooperative mood. So I took a different picture.


I believe there would be a gear inside the mobile.


What a good excuse to have hubby go across the street to the store for some donut holes. 


Found a few marbles in a box of Floyd's stuff last weekend when we were getting stuff around for the yard sale. I told him I would keep them, glad I did.

Now on to
June Photo a Day

Day 17: In Your Bag
On Sunday I have taken to bringing a separate play purse filled with Lego's (well Duplo blocks) because Hannah can sit quietly for quite a while building with these things.

Day 18: Something we don't know about you.

Okay, I am obsessed with Star Trek Voyager and have been watching it upstairs at bedtime.

Day 19: Imperfect

Another view of my imperfect, warped plates. Sad, isn't it?

Day 20: Fave Photo You Have Ever Taken
Wasn't sure how to take a picture that is my favorite photo I ever took, so I just didn't do this one.

Day 21: Where You Slept

I tend to fall asleep on the couch nursing baby Harold.

Day 22: From a High Angle

Hannah being very naughty and climbing up the slide the wrong way. So, what does mommy do, takes pictures. I should know better! She was so cute though and it made a great photo opp.

Day 23: Movement

I've done this recently, but the moving fan was the only thing I could come up with. 

 And linking up my favorite photo:

(Hannah was sitting in the midst of all these toys, treating it like a little office. She would "write" on her book and turn around to play the music on the Sit and Spin. Then she decided to take out some envelopes. And of course she had her drink ready for her.)


Happily Mother After

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli


  1. Dont feel bad. I had to look up the meaning as well.

  2. Your Scavenger Hunt finds were fabulous. I LOVED the warped plates!


  3. nice shots, Hannah is adorable!

  4. A lovely collection of photos -- poor baby Harold didn't want his picture taken!

  5. Here from SHS - Good set. Seem like a lot of us had to look up Concentric Circles. I loved the one of baby, Harold and his toys.
    Also liked your Warped,and Marble shots.

  6. Aww Harold's sweet little cry face takes away from the concentric circles in the picture. ha!ha! So cute! And Hannah looks adorable playing office. I used to love playing that when I was little too!

    Thanks for linking up your photo to Oh Snap!shots of the Week. I apologize for not posting the party last week and leaving you hanging. This week's party is now up though if you'd like to link up. :)


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