Sunday, June 24, 2012

Summer Celebration Event- What Children Need to Learn to Read

A Little Bit of Everything and Learners Lane are excited to bring you What Children Need to Learn to Read.

I received this and have learned a lot of things. After thumbing through the book, I did notice that the book is laid out with all the age groups.  From infant all the way up.  Even for an adult who had trouble reading, they would be able to use the techniques shown in the book.

The author is Michelle Vallene.  She is an elementary school teacher, the founder of Learners Lane, and a mother of three children.  Learners lane offers up unique and engaging educational products.  She saw challenges that faced children to become successful leaders.  There are many ways to teach children.  It takes time and and some knowledge, and you can teach your child to read.

I feel the biggest piece of advice in the book is to read to your child.  If you start from an infant, you can help instill a love of reading for them.  But while reading, you want to interact as well.  Get them involved in the story and they will stay interested.

She has rhymes and songs and even tongue twisters in the book.  She has games and fun activities to do with your children and for the different ages.  They will help teach the letters, and sounds, and how the words form and go together to make a story.

Learners Lane is looking to get a grant.  They would like your help in that.  If you can go to
and search for "learners lane" and please vote for them to receive the grant.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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